Index index by Group index by Distribution index by Vendor index by creation date index by Name Mirrors Help Search

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x11vnc-0.9.16-10.el9 VNC server for the current X11 session linux/ppc64le
x2goagent- X2Go Server's X2Go Agent linux/ppc64le
x2goclient- X2Go Client application linux/ppc64le
x2godesktopsharing- Share X11 desktops with other users via X2Go linux/ppc64le
x2gokdriveclient- X2Go KDrive Client application linux/ppc64le
x2goserver- X2Go Server linux/ppc64le
x2goserver-common- X2Go Server (common files) linux/noarch
x2goserver-desktopsharing- X2Go Server (Desktop Sharing support) linux/ppc64le
x2goserver-fmbindings- X2Go Server file manager bindings linux/ppc64le
x2goserver-printing- X2Go Server printing support linux/ppc64le
x2goserver-xsession- X2Go Server Xsession runner linux/noarch
x509viewer-0.1.0-10.el9 Simple tool to decode X.509 certificates linux/noarch
x509watch-0.6.1-11.el9 Simple tool to list expiring or expired X.509 certificates linux/noarch
xa-2.3.13-1.el9 6502/65816 cross-assembler linux/ppc64le
xalan-c-1.12.0-35.el9 Xalan XSLT processor for C/C++ linux/ppc64le
xalan-c-devel-1.12.0-35.el9 Development files for xalan-c linux/ppc64le
xalan-c-doc-1.12.0-35.el9 Documentation for xalan-c linux/noarch
xalan-c-libs-1.12.0-35.el9 Shared libraries for xalan-c linux/ppc64le
xapian-bindings-1.4.18-1.el9 Bindings for the Xapian Probabilistic Information Retrieval Library linux/ppc64le
xapian-bindings-ruby-1.4.18-1.el9 Files needed for developing Ruby scripts which use Xapian linux/ppc64le
xapps-2.4.3-1.el9 Common files for XApp desktop apps linux/ppc64le
xapps-devel-2.4.3-1.el9 Development files for xapps linux/ppc64le
xapps-mate-2.4.3-1.el9 Mate status applet with HIDPI support linux/ppc64le
xar- The eXtensible ARchiver linux/ppc64le
xar-devel- Development files for the eXtensible ARchiver linux/ppc64le
xarchiver- Archive manager for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xbae-4.60.4-36.el9 Motif matrix, caption and text input widgets linux/ppc64le
xbae-devel-4.60.4-36.el9 Development files for xbae linux/ppc64le
xbanish-1.8-1.el9 Banish the mouse cursor when typing, show it again when the mouse moves linux/ppc64le
xcb-util-xrm-1.3-8.el9 XCB utility functions for the X resource manager linux/ppc64le
xcb-util-xrm-devel-1.3-8.el9 Development files for xcb-util-xrm linux/ppc64le
xclip-0.13-17.git11cba61.el9 Command line clipboard grabber linux/ppc64le
xclipboard-1.1.4-1.el9 Utility to collect and display text selections linux/ppc64le
xclock-1.1.1-2.el9 The classic X Window System clock utility linux/ppc64le
xdelta-3.1.0-16.el9 A binary file delta generator linux/ppc64le
xdg-desktop-portal-kde-5.27.11-1.el9 Backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal using Qt/KF5 linux/ppc64le
xdotool-3.20211022.1-1.el9 Fake keyboard/mouse input linux/ppc64le
xed-3.2.8-2.el9 X-Apps [Text] Editor (Cross-DE, backward-compatible, GTK3, traditional UI) linux/ppc64le
xed-devel-3.2.8-2.el9 Files needed to develop plugins for xed linux/ppc64le
xed-doc-3.2.8-2.el9 Documentation files for xed linux/noarch
xephem-4.2.0-1.el9 Scientific-grade interactive astronomical ephemeris software linux/ppc64le
xephem-data-4.2.0-1.el9 Data files for xephem linux/noarch
xerces-c-3.2.5-1.el9 Validating XML Parser linux/ppc64le
xerces-c-devel-3.2.5-1.el9 Header files, libraries and development documentation for xerces-c linux/ppc64le
xerces-c-doc-3.2.5-1.el9 Documentation for Xerces-C++ validating XML parser linux/noarch
xfce-polkit-0.3-8.el9 Simple PolicyKit authentication agent for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xfce4-about-4.18.4-2.el9 Xfce 4 'About' dialog linux/ppc64le
xfce4-appfinder-4.18.0-2.el9 Appfinder for the Xfce4 Desktop Environment linux/ppc64le
xfce4-calculator-plugin-0.7.1-9.el9 A calculator plugin for the Xfce4 panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-clipman-plugin-1.6.4-1.el9 Clipboard manager plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin-1.2.8-1.el9 CPU frequency scaling plugin for the Xfce4 panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin-1.2.8-1.el9 CPU monitor for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-datetime-plugin-0.8.1-4.el9 Date/time plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-dev-tools-4.18.0-4.el9 Xfce developer tools linux/ppc64le
xfce4-dict-0.8.4-4.el9 A Dictionary Client for the Xfce desktop environment linux/ppc64le
xfce4-dict-plugin-0.8.4-4.el9 Xfce panel plugin to query a Dict server linux/ppc64le
xfce4-fsguard-plugin-1.1.2-4.el9 Filesystem-Guard plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-genmon-plugin-4.1.1-4.el9 Generic monitor plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin-1.3.0-4.el9 Mail Watcher plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-mount-plugin-1.1.5-4.el9 Mount/unmount utility for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-netload-plugin-1.4.0-3.el9 Network-load monitor for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-notes-plugin-1.11.0-1.el9 Notes plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-notifyd-0.8.2-1.el9 Simple notification daemon for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xfce4-panel-4.18.4-1.el9 Next generation panel for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xfce4-panel-devel-4.18.4-1.el9 Development headers for xfce4-panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-panel-profiles-1.0.14-2.el9 A simple application to manage Xfce panel layouts linux/noarch
xfce4-power-manager-4.18.2-1.el9 Power management for the Xfce desktop environment linux/ppc64le
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin-0.4.7-1.el9 Pulseaudio plugin for Xfce4 linux/ppc64le
xfce4-screensaver-4.18.2-1.el9 Screensaver application for Xfce Desktop linux/ppc64le
xfce4-screenshooter-1.10.4-1.el9 Screenshot utility for the Xfce desktop linux/ppc64le
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin-1.10.4-1.el9 Screenshot utility for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.4-1.el9 Sensors plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-sensors-plugin-devel-1.4.4-1.el9 Development files for xfce4-sensors-plugin linux/ppc64le
xfce4-session-4.18.3-1.el9 Xfce session manager linux/ppc64le
xfce4-settings-4.18.2-2.el9 Settings Manager for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin-0.5.2-4.el9 Smart bookmarks for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-systemload-plugin-1.3.1-3.el9 Systemload monitor for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-taskmanager-1.5.5-2.el9 Taskmanager for the Xfce desktop environment linux/ppc64le
xfce4-terminal-1.0.4-1.el9 Terminal Emulator for the Xfce Desktop environment linux/ppc64le
xfce4-time-out-plugin-1.1.2-3.el9 Xfce panel plugin for taking breaks from the computer linux/ppc64le
xfce4-verve-plugin-2.0.3-1.el9 Comfortable command line plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-wavelan-plugin-0.6.2-4.el9 WaveLAN plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-weather-plugin-0.11.1-1.el9 Weather plugin for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin-2.7.3-1.el9 An alternate application launcher for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xfce4-xkb-plugin-0.8.3-1.el9 XKB layout switcher for the Xfce panel linux/ppc64le
xfconf-4.18.1-1.el9 Hierarchical configuration system for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xfconf-devel-4.18.1-1.el9 Development tools for xfconf linux/ppc64le
xfdesktop-4.18.1-3.el9 Desktop manager for the Xfce Desktop Environment linux/ppc64le
xfig-3.2.8b-4.el9 An X Window System tool for drawing basic vector graphics linux/ppc64le
xfontsel-1.1.1-1.el9 Tool to list X11 core protocol fonts linux/ppc64leNew
xforms-1.2.4-20.el9 XForms toolkit library linux/ppc64le
xforms-devel-1.2.4-20.el9 Development files for the XForms toolkit library linux/ppc64le
xforms-doc-1.2.4-20.el9 XForms documentation linux/noarch
xfwm4-4.18.0-2.el9 Next generation window manager for Xfce linux/ppc64le
xfwm4-themes-4.10.0-18.el9 Additional themes for xfwm4 linux/noarch
xgnokii-0.6.31-35.el9 Graphical Linux/Unix tool suite for various mobile phones linux/ppc64le
xhtml2ps-1.0-0.52.b7.el9 GUI front-end for html2ps linux/noarch
xine-lib-1.2.12-10.el9 A multimedia engine linux/ppc64le
xine-lib-devel-1.2.12-10.el9 Xine library development files linux/ppc64le
xine-lib-extras-1.2.12-10.el9 Additional plugins for xine-lib linux/ppc64le
xine-ui-0.99.14-3.el9 A skinned xlib-based gui for xine-lib linux/ppc64le
xine-ui-aaxine-0.99.14-3.el9 ASCII art player for terminals linux/ppc64le
xine-ui-skins-0.99.14-3.el9 Extra skins for xine-ui linux/noarch
xl2tpd-1.3.17-1.el9 Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Daemon (RFC 2661) linux/ppc64le
xmakemol-5.16-15.el9 Program for visualizing atomic and molecular systems linux/ppc64le
xmessage-1.0.7-1.el9 Display a message in a window linux/ppc64leNew
xmlada-23.0.0-2.el9 XML library for Ada linux/ppc64le
xmlada-devel-23.0.0-2.el9 Development files for the XML/Ada library linux/ppc64le
xmlada-doc-23.0.0-2.el9 Documentation for the XML/Ada library linux/noarch
xmlada-static-23.0.0-2.el9 Static libraries of XML/Ada linux/ppc64le
xmlpull-1.2.0-3.el9 XML Pull Parsing API linux/noarch
xmlpull-javadoc-1.2.0-3.el9 API documentation for xmlpull linux/noarch
xmonad-0.17.0-1.el9 A tiling window manager linux/ppc64le
xmonad-basic-0.17.0-1.el9 A tiling window manager linux/ppc64le
xmonad-config-0.17.0-1.el9 xmonad config linux/ppc64le
xmonad-core-0.17.0-1.el9 A tiling window manager linux/ppc64le
xmonad-mate-0.17.0-1.el9 xmonad MATE session linux/ppc64le
xmppc-0.1.2-5.el9 A command-line interface (CLI) XMPP Client linux/ppc64le
xmppc-doc-0.1.2-5.el9 Documentation for xmppc linux/noarch
xnvme-0.7.4-3.el9 Unified API and tools for traditional and emerging I/O interfaces linux/ppc64le
xnvme-devel-0.7.4-3.el9 Development library and header files for xnvme linux/ppc64le
xnvme-static-0.7.4-3.el9 Static library for xnvme linux/ppc64le
xnvme-tools-0.7.4-3.el9 Command-line tools for storage I/O and NVMe-native development linux/ppc64le
xorg-x11-server-x2gokdrive- KDrive graphical server backend for X2GoServer linux/ppc64le
xorgxrdp-0.10.1-1.el9 Implementation of xrdp backend as Xorg modules linux/ppc64le
xorgxrdp-glamor-0.10.1-1.el9 Implementation of xrdp backend as Xorg modules with glamor linux/ppc64le
xosd-2.2.14-40.el9 On-screen display library for X linux/ppc64le
xosd-devel-2.2.14-40.el9 Development files for the XOSD on-screen display library linux/ppc64le
xournalpp-1.2.3-1.el9 Handwriting note-taking software with PDF annotation support linux/ppc64le
xournalpp-plugins-1.2.3-1.el9 Default plugin for xournalpp linux/noarch
xournalpp-ui-1.2.3-1.el9 User interface for xournalpp linux/noarch
xpanes-4.1.3-3.el9 Awesome tmux-based terminal divider linux/noarch
xpdf-4.04-6.el9 A PDF file viewer for the X Window System linux/ppc64le
xpdf-devel-4.04-6.el9 Development files for xpdf libraries linux/ppc64le
xpra-5.0.2-2.el9 Remote display server for applications and desktops linux/ppc64le
xrdcl-http-5.7.0-2.el9 HTTP client plugin for XRootD linux/ppc64leNew
xrdp-0.10.0-4.el9 Open source remote desktop protocol (RDP) server linux/ppc64le
xrdp-devel-0.10.0-4.el9 Headers and pkg-config files needed to compile xrdp backends linux/ppc64le
xrdp-selinux-0.10.0-4.el9 SELinux policy module required tu run xrdp linux/ppc64le
xreader-3.6.0-2.el9 Simple document viewer linux/ppc64le
xreader-data-3.6.0-2.el9 Support files for the xreader document viewer linux/noarch
xreader-devel-3.6.0-2.el9 Development files for xreader linux/ppc64le
xreader-doc-3.6.0-2.el9 Documentation files for xreader linux/noarch
xreader-libs-3.6.0-2.el9 xreader document viewer libraries linux/ppc64le
xreader-thumbnailer-3.6.0-2.el9 System thumbnailer using xreader libraries linux/ppc64le
xrootd-5.7.0-2.el9 Extended ROOT file server linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-client-5.7.0-2.el9 Xrootd command line client tools linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-client-devel-5.7.0-2.el9 Development files for xrootd clients linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-client-libs-5.7.0-2.el9 Libraries used by xrootd clients linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-devel-5.7.0-2.el9 Development files for xrootd linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-doc-5.7.0-2.el9 Developer documentation for the xrootd libraries linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-fuse-5.7.0-2.el9 Xrootd FUSE tool linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-libs-5.7.0-2.el9 Libraries used by xrootd servers and clients linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-private-devel-5.7.0-2.el9 Private xrootd headers linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-scitokens-5.7.0-2.el9 SciTokens authorization support for XRootD linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-selinux-5.7.0-2.el9 SELinux policy module for the xrootd server linux/noarchNew
xrootd-server-5.7.0-2.el9 Xrootd server daemons linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-server-devel-5.7.0-2.el9 Development files for xrootd servers linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-server-libs-5.7.0-2.el9 Libraries used by xrootd servers linux/ppc64leNew
xrootd-voms-5.7.0-2.el9 VOMS attribute extractor plugin for XRootD linux/ppc64leNew
xscreensaver-6.05-3.el9 X screen saver and locker linux/ppc64le
xscreensaver-base-6.05-3.el9 A minimal installation of xscreensaver linux/ppc64le
xscreensaver-extras-6.05-3.el9 An enhanced set of screensavers linux/ppc64le
xscreensaver-extras-gss-6.05-3.el9 Desktop files of extras for other screensaver linux/ppc64le
xscreensaver-gl-base-6.05-3.el9 A base package for screensavers that require OpenGL linux/ppc64le
xscreensaver-gl-extras-6.05-3.el9 An enhanced set of screensavers that require OpenGL linux/ppc64le
xscreensaver-gl-extras-gss-6.05-3.el9 Desktop files of gl-extras for other screensaver linux/ppc64le
xsd-4.1.0-0.8.a11.el9 W3C XML schema to C++ data binding compiler linux/ppc64le
xsd-doc-4.1.0-0.8.a11.el9 API documentation files for xsd linux/noarch
xsecurelock-1.8.0-1.el9 X11 screen lock utility with security in mind linux/ppc64le
xsel-1.2.1-1.el9 Command line clipboard and X selection tool linux/ppc64le
xsettingsd-1.0.2-2.el9 Provides settings to X11 clients via the XSETTINGS specification linux/ppc64le
xsimd-devel-9.0.1-1.el9 C++ wrappers for SIMD intrinsics linux/ppc64le
xtensor-devel-0.24.2-4.el9 C++ tensors with broadcasting and lazy computing linux/ppc64le
xtl-devel-0.7.5-1.el9 QuantStack tools library linux/ppc64le
xtl-doc-0.7.5-1.el9 QuantStack tools library linux/ppc64le
xtrlock-2.15-3.el9 Minimal X display lock program linux/ppc64le
xvidcore-1.3.7-9.el9 MPEG-4 Simple and Advanced Simple Profile codec linux/ppc64le
xvidcore-devel-1.3.7-9.el9 Development files for the Xvid video codec linux/ppc64le
xwayland-devel-22.1.9-2.el9 Development package linux/ppc64le
xwayland-run-0.0.3-1.el9 Set of utilities to run headless X/Wayland clients linux/noarch
xwaylandvideobridge-0~git20230917.9b27c3f-1.el9 Utility to allow streaming Wayland windows to X applications linux/ppc64le
xwd-1.0.8-6.el9 Dump an X window to file linux/ppc64le
xwm-0.1.9-1.el9 Tiny XCB floating window manager linux/ppc64le

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Fabrice Bellet, Tue Jul 16 01:50:00 2024