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RPMs less than three days old

opencl-headers-3.0-29.20240412git8275634.fc40.noarch OpenCL (Open Computing Language) header files Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openssh-9.6p1-1.fc40.4.x86_64 An open source implementation of SSH protocol version 2 Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openssh-askpass-9.6p1-1.fc40.4.x86_64 A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and X Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openssh-clients-9.6p1-1.fc40.4.x86_64 An open source SSH client applications Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openssh-keycat-9.6p1-1.fc40.4.x86_64 A mls keycat backend for openssh Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openssh-server-9.6p1-1.fc40.4.x86_64 An open source SSH server daemon Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openssh-sk-dummy-9.6p1-1.fc40.4.x86_64 OpenSSH SK driver for test purposes Fedora 40 updates for x86_64

RPMs less than one week old

RPMs less than two weeks old

ocean-sound-theme-6.1.1-1.fc40.noarch Ocean Sound Theme for Plasma Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
oxygen-cursor-themes-6.1.1-1.fc40.noarch Oxygen cursor themes Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
oxygen-sounds-6.1.1-1.fc40.noarch The Oxygen Sound Theme Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-merlin-4.16-1.fc40.x86_64 Context sensitive completion for OCaml Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-merlin-lib-4.16-1.fc40.x86_64 Library access to the merlin protocol Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
objfw-1.1.4-1.fc40.x86_64 Portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
objfw-doc-1.1.4-1.fc40.noarch Documentation for ObjFW Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofarc-1.1.4-1.fc40.x86_64 Utility for handling ZIP, Tar and LHA archives Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofdns-1.1.4-1.fc40.x86_64 Utility for performing DNS requests on the command line Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofhash-1.1.4-1.fc40.x86_64 Utility to hash files with various cryptographic hash functions Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofhttp-1.1.4-1.fc40.x86_64 Command line downloader for HTTP(S) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvpn-2.6.11-1.fc40.x86_64 A full-featured TLS VPN solution Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvpn-devel-2.6.11-1.fc40.i686 Development headers and examples for OpenVPN plug-ins Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvpn-devel-2.6.11-1.fc40.x86_64 Development headers and examples for OpenVPN plug-ins Fedora 40 updates for x86_64

RPMs less than one month old

obs-service-set_version-0.6.5-1.fc40.noarch An OBS source service: Update spec file version Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openmpt123-0.7.8-1.fc40.x86_64 Command-line tracker music player based on libopenmpt Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Open Source SIP Server Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-aaa_diameter-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Diameter backend for AAA API Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-aaa_radius-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 RADIUS backend for AAA API Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-acc-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Accounts transactions information to different backends Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-auth_aaa-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Performs authentication using an AAA server Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-auth_jwt-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Performs authentication over JSON Web Tokens Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-b2bua-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Back-2-Back User Agent Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-cachedb_couchbase-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Couchbase connector for cache subsystem Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-cachedb_memcached-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Memcached connector for cache subsystem Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-cachedb_mongodb-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 MongoDB connector for cache subsystem Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-cachedb_redis-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Redis connector for cache subsystem Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-call_center-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 An inbound call center system Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-carrierroute-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Routing extension suitable for carriers Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-cgrates-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Billing module for CGRates engine Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-compression-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Message compression/decompression and base64 encoding Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-cpl_c-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Call Processing Language interpreter Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-db_berkeley-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Berkeley DB backend support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-db_http-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 HTTP DB backend support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-db_mysql-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 MySQL storage support for OpenSIPS Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-db_perlvdb-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Perl virtual database engine Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-db_postgresql-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 PostgreSQL storage support for OpenSIPS Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-db_sqlite-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 SQLite sorage support for OpenSIPS Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-db_unixodbc-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 OpenSIPS unixODBC Storage support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-emergency-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Emergency call treatment Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-event_kafka-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Event Kafka module Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-event_rabbitmq-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Event RabbitMQ module Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-h350-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 H350 implementation Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-httpd-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 HTTP transport layer implementation Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-identity-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Support for SIP Identity (see RFC 4474) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-jabber-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-json-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 A JSON variables within the script Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-ldap-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 LDAP connector Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-lua-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Helps implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Lua Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-media_exchange-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Lets exchange SDP between calls Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-mi_html-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 A minimal web user interface for the Management Interface Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-mi_http-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 A JSON REST interface for the Management Interface Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-mi_xmlrpc_ng-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 A xmlrpc server for the Management Interface (new version) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-mmgeoip-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Wrapper for the MaxMind GeoIP API Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-msrp-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 MSRP support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-peering-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Radius peering Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-perl-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Helps implement your own OpenSIPS extensions in Perl Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-pi_http-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 A HTTP provisioning interface for OpenSIPS Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-presence-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Presence server Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-presence_callinfo-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 SIMPLE Presence extension Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-presence_dfks-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Extension to Presence server for Broadsoft's DFKS Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-presence_dialoginfo-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Extension to Presence server for Dialog-Info Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-presence_mwi-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Extension to Presence server for Message Waiting Indication Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-presence_xcapdiff-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Extension to Presence server for XCAP-DIFF event Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-presence_xml-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 SIMPLE Presence extension Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-prometheus-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 A HTTP interface for the Prometheus monitoring system Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-proto_bins-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 A secure Binary clustering protocol Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-proto_sctp-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 An optional SCTP transport module Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-proto_tls-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 An optional TLS transport module Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-proto_wss-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 An optional Secure WebSocket transport module Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-pua-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Offer the functionality of a presence user agent client Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-pua_bla-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 BLA extension for PUA Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-pua_dialoginfo-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Dialog-Info extension for PUA Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-pua_mi-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Connector between usrloc and MI interface Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-pua_usrloc-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Connector between usrloc and pua modules Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-pua_xmpp-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 SIMPLE-XMPP Presence gateway Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-rabbitmq-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 RabbitMQ module Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-rabbitmq_consumer-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 RabbitMQ message receiver Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-regex-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 RegExp via PCRE library Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-rest_client-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 HTTP client module for OpenSIPS Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-rls-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Resource List Server Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-siprec-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Call recording using SIPREC protocol Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-snmpstats-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 SNMP management interface for the OpenSIPS Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-stir_shaken-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Support for implementing STIR/SHAKEN Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-tls_mgm-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Management for TLS certificates and parameters Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-tls_openssl-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 OpenSSL low level API for tls_mgm module Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-uuid-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Generates UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122 Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-xcap-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 XCAP common functions Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-xcap_client-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 XCAP client Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-xml-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Basic XML parsing and manipulation Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensips-xmpp-3.4.5-6.fc40.x86_64 Gateway between OpenSIPS and a jabber server Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openxr-explorer-1.4-1.20240317gite59a26e.fc40.x86_64 Debug tool for OpenXR developers Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openxr-simple-playground-0-2.20240424git3b3c91f.fc40.x86_64 OpenXR C Playground Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ovn-24.03.2-19.fc40.x86_64 Open Virtual Network support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ovn-central-24.03.2-19.fc40.x86_64 Open Virtual Network support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ovn-host-24.03.2-19.fc40.x86_64 Open Virtual Network support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ovn-vtep-24.03.2-19.fc40.x86_64 Open Virtual Network support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenImageIO- Library for reading and writing images Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenImageIO-devel- Documentation for OpenImageIO Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenImageIO-iv- OpenImageIO based image viewer Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenImageIO-utils- Command line utilities for OpenImageIO Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-build-20240612-449.1.1.fc40.noarch A generic package build script Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-build-mkbaselibs-20240612-449.1.1.fc40.noarch Tools to generate base library packages Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-build-mkdrpms-20240612-449.1.1.fc40.noarch Tools to generate DeltaRPMs Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofono-2.8-1.fc40.x86_64 Open Source Telephony Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofono-2.8-1.fc40.i686 Open Source Telephony Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofono-devel-2.8-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for oFono Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ofono-devel-2.8-1.fc40.i686 Development files for oFono Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-composer-110-1.fc40.x86_64 An image building service based on osbuild Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-composer-core-110-1.fc40.x86_64 The core osbuild-composer binary Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-composer-worker-110-1.fc40.x86_64 The worker for osbuild-composer Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvdb-11.0.0-11.fc40.x86_64 C++ library for sparse volumetric data discretized on three-dimensional grids Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvdb-devel-11.0.0-11.fc40.x86_64 Development files for openvdb Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvdb-libs-11.0.0-11.fc40.x86_64 Core OpenVDB libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-12.4.0-1.fc40.i686 Open Virtual Machine Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-12.4.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Open Virtual Machine Tools for virtual machines hosted on VMware Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-desktop-12.4.0-1.fc40.x86_64 User experience components for Open Virtual Machine Tools Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-devel-12.4.0-1.fc40.i686 Development libraries for Open Virtual Machine Tools Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-devel-12.4.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Development libraries for Open Virtual Machine Tools Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-salt-minion-12.4.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Script file to install/uninstall salt-minion Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-sdmp-12.4.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Service Discovery components for Open Virtual Machine Tools Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
open-vm-tools-test-12.4.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Test utilities for Open Virtual Machine Tools Fedora 40 updates for x86_64

RPMs more than 1 months old

opentofu-1.7.2-1.fc40.x86_64 OpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensurge- 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensurge-data- Data files for opensurge Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-24.05.0-1.fc40.x86_64 A document viewer Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-devel-24.05.0-1.fc40.i686 Development files for okular Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-devel-24.05.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for okular Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-libs-24.05.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Runtime files for okular Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-libs-24.05.0-1.fc40.i686 Runtime files for okular Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-mobile-24.05.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Document viewer for plasma mobile Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-part-24.05.0-1.fc40.i686 Okular kpart plugin Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
okular-part-24.05.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Okular kpart plugin Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
oci-cli-3.42.0-2.fc40.noarch Command Line Interface for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osh-client- OpenScanHub CLI client Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osh-common- OpenScanHub shared files for client, hub and worker Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osh-hub- OpenScanHub xml-rpc interface and web application Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osh-hub-conf-devel- OpenScanHub hub devel configuration Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osh-worker- OpenScanHub worker Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osh-worker-conf-devel- OpenScanHub worker devel configuration Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osc-1.7.0-408.1.1.fc40.noarch Open Build Service Commander Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osinfo-db-20240523-1.fc40.noarch osinfo database files Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
oxipng-9.1.1-3.fc40.x86_64 Lossless PNG compression optimizer Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-3.3.0-2.fc40.i686 Open vSwitch daemon/database/utilities Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-3.3.0-2.fc40.x86_64 Open vSwitch daemon/database/utilities Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-devel-3.3.0-2.fc40.i686 Open vSwitch OpenFlow development package (library, headers) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-devel-3.3.0-2.fc40.x86_64 Open vSwitch OpenFlow development package (library, headers) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-dpdk-3.3.0-2.fc40.i686 Open vSwitch OpenFlow development package (switch, linked with DPDK) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-dpdk-3.3.0-2.fc40.x86_64 Open vSwitch OpenFlow development package (switch, linked with DPDK) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-ipsec-3.3.0-2.fc40.x86_64 Open vSwitch IPsec tunneling support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-test-3.3.0-2.fc40.noarch Open vSwitch testing utilities Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openvswitch-testcontroller-3.3.0-2.fc40.x86_64 Simple controller for testing OpenFlow setups Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenLP-3.1.2-1.fc40.noarch Open source Church presentation and lyrics projection application Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-2024.6-2.fc40.x86_64 Tool for managing bootable, immutable filesystem trees Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-devel-2024.6-2.fc40.x86_64 Development headers for ostree Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-devel-2024.6-2.fc40.i686 Development headers for ostree Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-grub2-2024.6-2.fc40.x86_64 GRUB2 integration for OSTree Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-libs-2024.6-2.fc40.x86_64 C shared libraries ostree Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-libs-2024.6-2.fc40.i686 C shared libraries ostree Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-tests-2024.6-2.fc40.x86_64 Tests for the ostree package Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opari2-2.0.8-1.fc40.x86_64 An OpenMP runtime performance measurement instrumenter Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openexr-3.1.10-6.fc40.x86_64 Provides the specification and reference implementation of the EXR file format Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openexr-devel-3.1.10-6.fc40.i686 Development files for openexr Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openexr-devel-3.1.10-6.fc40.x86_64 Development files for openexr Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openexr-libs-3.1.10-6.fc40.i686 OpenEXR Libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openexr-libs-3.1.10-6.fc40.x86_64 OpenEXR Libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-libguestfs-1.52.1-1.fc40.x86_64 OCaml bindings for libguestfs Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-libguestfs-devel-1.52.1-1.fc40.x86_64 OCaml bindings for libguestfs Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-2.0.35-1.fc40.i686 IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-2.0.35-1.fc40.x86_64 IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface) library and tools Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-devel-2.0.35-1.fc40.i686 The development environment for the OpenIPMI project Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-devel-2.0.35-1.fc40.x86_64 The development environment for the OpenIPMI project Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-lanserv-2.0.35-1.fc40.x86_64 Emulates an IPMI network listener Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-lanserv-2.0.35-1.fc40.i686 Emulates an IPMI network listener Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-libs-2.0.35-1.fc40.x86_64 The OpenIPMI runtime libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenIPMI-libs-2.0.35-1.fc40.i686 The OpenIPMI runtime libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-libnbd-1.20.1-1.fc40.x86_64 OCaml language bindings for libnbd Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-libnbd-devel-1.20.1-1.fc40.x86_64 OCaml language development package for libnbd Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
onnxruntime-1.16.3-2.fc40.x86_64 A cross-platform inferencing and training accelerator Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
onnxruntime-devel-1.16.3-2.fc40.x86_64 The development part of the onnxruntime package Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
onnxruntime-doc-1.16.3-2.fc40.x86_64 Documentation files for the onnxruntime package Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
orca-46.1-2.fc40.noarch Assistive technology for people with visual impairments Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocserv-1.3.0-1.fc40.x86_64 OpenConnect SSL VPN server Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openttd-14.1-1.fc40.x86_64 Transport system simulation game Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openttd-docs-14.1-1.fc40.noarch Documentation for OpenTTD Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osslsigncode-2.8-4.20240501gita53bd2b.fc40.x86_64 OpenSSL based Authenticode signing for PE/MSI/Java CAB files Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-1.3.10-1.fc40.i686 Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-containers-1.3.10-1.fc40.noarch Utils for scanning containers Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-devel-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for openscap Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-devel-1.3.10-1.fc40.i686 Development files for openscap Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-engine-sce-1.3.10-1.fc40.i686 Script Check Engine plug-in for OpenSCAP Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-engine-sce-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 Script Check Engine plug-in for OpenSCAP Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-engine-sce-devel-1.3.10-1.fc40.i686 Development files for openscap-engine-sce Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-engine-sce-devel-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for openscap-engine-sce Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-perl-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 Perl bindings for openscap Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-python3-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 Python 3 bindings for openscap Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-scanner-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 OpenSCAP Scanner Tool (oscap) Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-utils-1.3.10-1.fc40.x86_64 OpenSCAP Utilities Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-chrome-trace-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Chrome trace event generation library Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-chrome-trace-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-chrome-trace Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Composable build system for OCaml and Reason Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-action-plugin-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 API for writing dynamic dune actions Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-action-plugin-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dune-action-plugin Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-build-info-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Embed build information in an executable Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-build-info-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dune-build-info Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-configurator-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Helper library for gathering system configuration Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-configurator-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dune-configurator Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-doc-3.15.2-1.fc40.noarch HTML documentation for ocaml-dune Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-emacs-3.15.2-1.fc40.noarch Emacs support for ocaml-dune Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-glob-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Parser and interpreter for dune language globs Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-glob-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dune-glob Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-private-libs-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Private dune libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-private-libs-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dune-private-libs Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-rpc-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Communicate with dune using rpc Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-rpc-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dune-rpc Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-site-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Embed location information inside executables and libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dune-site-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dune-site Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dyn-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Dynamic types Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-dyn-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-dyn Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-ocamlc-loc-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Parse OCaml compiler output into structured form Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-ocamlc-loc-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-ocamlc-loc Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-ordering-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Element ordering Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-ordering-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-ordering Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-stdune-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Dune's unstable standard library Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-stdune-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-stdune Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-xdg-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 XDG Base Directory Specification Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-xdg-devel-3.15.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-xdg Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openscap-report-0.2.9-1.fc40.noarch A tool for generating human-readable reports from (SCAP) XCCDF and ARF results Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-117-1.fc40.noarch A build system for OS images Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-depsolve-dnf-117-1.fc40.noarch Dependency solving support for DNF Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-luks2-117-1.fc40.noarch LUKS2 support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-lvm2-117-1.fc40.noarch LVM2 support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-ostree-117-1.fc40.noarch OSTree support Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-selinux-117-1.fc40.noarch SELinux policies Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
osbuild-tools-117-1.fc40.noarch Extra tools and utilities Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensmtpd-7.5.0p0-1.fc40.x86_64 Free implementation of the server-side SMTP protocol as defined by RFC 5321 Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
onednn-3.3.6-1.fc40.x86_64 oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
onednn-devel-3.3.6-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for onednn Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-studio-30.1.1-2.fc40.x86_64 Open Broadcaster Software Studio Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-studio-devel-30.1.1-2.fc40.i686 Open Broadcaster Software Studio header files Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-studio-devel-30.1.1-2.fc40.x86_64 Open Broadcaster Software Studio header files Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-studio-libs-30.1.1-2.fc40.i686 Open Broadcaster Software Studio libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-studio-libs-30.1.1-2.fc40.x86_64 Open Broadcaster Software Studio libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-studio-plugin-browser-30.1.1-2.fc40.x86_64 Open Broadcaster Software Studio - CEF-based browser plugin Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
obs-studio-plugin-vlc-video-30.1.1-2.fc40.x86_64 Open Broadcaster Software Studio - VLC-based video plugin Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-why3-1.7.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Software verification library for ocaml Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-why3-devel-1.7.2-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for using the ocaml-why3 library Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensubdiv-3.6.0-1.fc40.x86_64 High performance subdivision surface libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensubdiv-3.6.0-1.fc40.i686 High performance subdivision surface libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensubdiv-devel-3.6.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for opensubdiv Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
opensubdiv-devel-3.6.0-1.fc40.i686 Development files for opensubdiv Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
oscillatord-3.7.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Daemon for disciplining an oscillator Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocp-0.2.109-1.fc40.x86_64 Open Cubic Player for MOD/S3M/XM/IT/MIDI music files Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
OpenImageIO-plugin-osl- OpenImageIO input plugin Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openshadinglanguage- Advanced shading language for production GI renderers Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openshadinglanguage-common-headers- OSL standard library and auxiliary headers Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openshadinglanguage-devel- Development files for openshadinglanguage Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openshadinglanguage-example-shaders-source- OSL shader examples Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
openshadinglanguage-libs- OpenShadingLanguage's libraries Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-stdlib-random-1.2.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Versioned Random module from the OCaml standard library Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ocaml-stdlib-random-devel-1.2.0-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ocaml-stdlib-random Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
orbiteer-fonts-20240314-5.fc40.noarch Pioneer Orbiteer Bold font Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ode-0.16.5-1.fc40.x86_64 High performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ode-0.16.5-1.fc40.i686 High performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ode-devel-0.16.5-1.fc40.i686 Development files for ode Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ode-devel-0.16.5-1.fc40.x86_64 Development files for ode Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ode-double-0.16.5-1.fc40.i686 Ode physics library compiled with double precision Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ode-double-0.16.5-1.fc40.x86_64 Ode physics library compiled with double precision Fedora 40 updates for x86_64
ostree-pin-0.1.1-2.fc40.x86_64 Tool to update ostree deployment pin Fedora 40 updates for x86_64

Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1

Fabrice Bellet, Fri Jul 5 01:10:05 2024