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anki-2.1.13-bp156.3.2 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Leap 15.6 for noarch

Name: anki Distribution: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP6
Version: 2.1.13 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: bp156.3.2 Build date: Thu Jan 18 17:35:49 2024
Group: Productivity/Text/Utilities Build host: h02-ch2c
Size: 6944497 Source RPM: anki-2.1.13-bp156.3.2.src.rpm
Summary: Spaced-Repetition Memory Training Program
Anki is a spaced repetition system (SRS). It helps the user remember things by
scheduling reviews, so that the user can learn a lot of information
with the minimum amount of effort.
Anki is content-agnostic and supports images, audio,
videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX).

Anki stores data in ~/.local/share/Anki2, or $XDG_DATA_HOME/Anki2
if the user has set a custom data path.






* Tue May 28 2019
  - Update to 2.1.13:
    * Fix formatting getting lost when copying&pasting between fields on macOS.
    * Fix some issues that cause the main window to get stuck.
    * Fix an empty deck list sometimes appearing when restoring from a backup.
    * Fix Anki hanging after an error occurs during startup.
    * Fix error caused by profile with trailing space on Windows.
    * Fix error message when syncing with an unconfirmed email address.
    * Use jsonschema for add-on manifests (thanks to Erez).
    * Warn in DB check when high due numbers are encountered.
    * Improve error messages on full disk and failed add-on deletion.
    * Fix relearning cards being given learning step count in V2 scheduler.
    * Fix preview window failing to appear when show both sides enabled.
    * Removing trailing BR tag when pasting into an empty field.
    * Don’t throw an error when non-Latin text in the Javascript console can’t be shown.
    * Double click on add-ons to edit their configuration (thanks to lovac42).
    * Fix the window icon in a few screens (thanks to John).
    * Don’t highlight the deck selection button in the add screen on Windows.
    * Improve the default type in the answer note type.
* Mon May 20 2019
  - Fix wrong-script-interpreter error, add missing /usr/bin in
* Wed May 01 2019 Carson Black <>
  - Update to 2.1.12:
    * Fix an issue that could prevent profile renaming/deletion on Windows.
    * Fix fields appearing under editor buttons.
    * Fix memory leak in card layout screen.
    * Fix some issues with previewing in the Browse screen.
    * Fix card counts not updating when a review is undone.
    * Fix an error that could occur on startup on some Windows installs.
    * The Mac build now uses the new hardened runtime on Mojave.
    * Change focus outline colour on Windows.
    * Fix an error caused by missing note types.
    * A possible workaround for the audio player getting stuck on Macs.
    * Display the installed version in the Windows uninstall screen.
    * Fix an issue checking for add-on updates (thanks to Glutanimate).
    * Disable add-on config button when not appropriate (thanks to Glutanimate).
    * Tweaks to the deck age graph binning (thanks to Jian).
    * Add-ons hosted on AnkiWeb can now define conflicts in the manifest file.
    * Switch to mplayer on the alternate OS X build, as mpv was not working on some older machines.
    * Make sure mpv doesn’t attempt to load scripts from default location.
    * Other minor fixes.
* Mon Mar 18 2019 Ismail Dönmez <>
  - For suse_version >= 1550 we have to depend on python3-qtwebengine-qt5
    as it's split as a package now.
* Sun Mar 17 2019 Matthias Eliasson <>
  - Update to 2.1.11:
    * Change Undo shortcut back to Ctrl+Alt+Z/Cmd+Opt+Z in Browse screen, to
      prevent accidentally undoing non-text changes when editing fields.
    * Revert a previous card template optimization that could cause an error.
    * Suppress a spurious error message that could occur when editing.
    * Add option to strip html in export.
    * Avoid nbsp for single spaces when pasting text.
    * Fix preview screen flashing when moving between cards.
    * Improvements to the add-ons screen (thanks to Glutanimate).
    * Support .ankiaddon bundles (thanks to Glutanimate).
    * Improve subpixel antialiasing on some machines (thanks to Glutanimate).
    * Improve Japanese interface font on Windows 10, and make it possible for
      translators to change the font for other languages that need it as well.
    * Fix inability to start if problem occurs on first run.
    * Allow decreasing daily limits in custom study.
    * Add a button to copy debug info to about screen (thanks to Glutanimate).
    * Fix problem running from source on Windows (thanks to dlon).
    * Allow add-ons to serve files from mediasrv (thanks to Glutanimate).
    * More user-friendly error messages for some network errors.
    * Update standard build to latest toolkit version.
    * Hardware acceleration defaults to off again on Windows/Linux, due to the
      issues it was causing some users. If you were not experiencing any
    issues, turning hardware acceleration back on in the preferences screen
    is recommended.
    * Various statistics fixes for the V2 scheduler, including an automatic
      remapping of button 2/3 in the review history when moving back and forth
    between scheduler versions so the "answer buttons" graph displays
    * Fix BR tags being included in empty fields (thanks to David and zjosua)
    * Optimize card template repositioning (thanks to Arthur)
    * Fix a crash when copying/cutting with an empty selection (thanks to David)
    * Avoid screen flash when undoing reviews.
    * Make sure info/warning dialogs appear on top.
    * Fixed an issue with just-typed text not being saved when using the mouse
      to save/add a card.
    * Added support for {{CardFlag}}, which is either empty, or in the format
      "flagN" where N is 1-4.
    * Fix bulk flag changes in Browse screen not syncing.
    * Fix advanced menu in editor not showing shortcut keys.
    * When UI fails to load after resuming computer from sync, show a tooltip
      and automatically refresh.
    * Clean up old mplayer instances after a crash so that profile renaming
    * Fix add-on list not refreshing when toggling enabled in latest toolkit.
    * Fix cursor jumping on first click in "Edit Current" area on Windows.
    * Preserve whitespace when pasting plain text.
    * Prevent errors caused by a timer firing after collection is unloaded.
    * Ensure a full sync is forced when restoring from a backup.
    * Ensure full window is on screen when displaying windows on a changed
      screen layout.
    * Improvements to the add-ons, debug console, and error screens
      (thanks to Glutanimate)
    * Ensure {{Deck}} shows the correct deck when adding (thanks to Arthur)
    * Ensure windows don’t get shown off-screen.
    * Remember add-on window size and position.
    * Fix startup on Windows 8.
    * Fix field content appearing under editor buttons.
    * Better handle an error when recording.
    * Fix improper handling of collections with deck errors.
    * Fix duplicate deck names being created due to text encoding.
    * Fix gtk2 theme and fcitx module not being included.
    * Detect nouveau graphics drivers and automatically switch to software
  - run spec-cleaner
* Thu Jan 24 2019
  - Also install .mo files in the proper
* Fri Dec 28 2018 Jan Engelhardt <>
  - Trim bias and generalize description.
* Thu Dec 20 2018 Martin Herkt <>
  - Update to 2.1.7
    * Refresh
    * Support Qt > 5.9
    * Remove python3-devel dependency for noarch package
    * Fixed exporting of .apkg files with regular scheduler.
    * Extract embedded images when pasting HTML.
    * When the sort field is set to RTL, display in RTL order in
      the browser.
    * Add missing .apkg and .colpkg file associations.
    * Improve handling of images inlined in fields.
    * Hardware acceleration can now be toggled in the preferences
    * Disable question fade-in during review when hardware
      acceleration is off.
    * Fix some add-ons leaving a blank space in the main window when
      Anki restarted.
    * Fix some unwanted text being included when pasting.
    * Fix shortcut keys like space from repeatedly triggering when
      held down.
    * Fix deck list getting stuck when creating filtered deck.
    * Prevent local cards being overwritten when accidentally
      downloading empty AnkiWeb collection.
    * Favour mark/flag colour over suspended colour in browse screen.
    * Fix new day calculation in experimental scheduler.
    * Linux theme tweaks.
    * Disable view page button for locally added add-ons.
    * Use selected answer button instead of default when enter/space
    * Change undo shortcut in browse screen to avoid conflict with
      editing functionality.
    * Ignore standard mpv config file location in favour of Anki data
    * Fix importing of .apkg files when interface in Dutch.
    * Fix translations not working on Linux after make install.
    * Support newlines in type:cloze, and treat them as spaces.
    * Add browser.rowChanged hook for add-on authors.
    * Possible fix for some database is locked errors.
    * Fix errors on startup when deck given an invalid name.
    * Fix sorting not working when field contains only a media
    * Fix access denied error not being caught properly.
    * Fix exporting of v2 colpkg when interface in non-English
    * Fix conditional replacement not ignoring HTML formatting.
    * Fix question fade time being forced when hardware acceleration
    * Add a small margin between buttons during review.
    * V2 scheduler now respects maximum interval even if it will lead
      to all buttons giving the same interval.
    * Tweak margins in overview and answer button areas.
    * Ignore UI events that are received after collection has been
    * Don’t try to import .anki(2) files as text.
    * Added support for Lojban
    * Improvements to the Browse screen and flagging:
    - Search text is normalized, which fixes problems searching for
      unicode characters with multiple possible encodings.
    - The selection is now partially transparent, allowing you to
      see the underyling colours of the rows.
    - The screen doesn’t scroll when performing actions that don’t
      change the selection count.
    - Flags now toggle on and off, and the separate clear flag
      action has been removed.
    - The second flag is now orange instead of purple.
    - Find&replace now only shows fields relevant to the notes
      you’ve selected, and is case insensitive.
    - Fix card list not updating when editing HTML.
    * Importing apkgs is now more verbose about how notes have been
    * Prevent errors caused by the user adding a field reference to
      itself on a field.
    * Better handle issues with the deck list, such as decks that are
      missing a parent deck.
    * Anki should now be able to function even if a system proxy is
      configured for localhost connections.
    * Fix font size being copied when pasting between Anki fields
      with bold text.
    * Pasting a link with shift held down now creates a clickable
    * Fixed an issue with the bulk remove tags option where tags with
      similar names could be removed as well.
    * Fixed an issue running latex commands on some Linux installs.
    * The Browse screen’s sidebar now defaults to on.
    * Fixed a race condition that could cause two copies of Anki to
    * When adding media to cards, Anki now will automatically rename
      the filenames if they’re too long.
    * The experimental scheduler now regularly checks if new learning
      cards have become due.
    * Handle invalid add-on config.
    * Enforce template ordering when card templates are reordered
      after card creation.
    * Don’t change deck when Esc pressed in deck chooser.
    * Fix a problem on initial startup when English not the default
    * Fix busy cursor showing in import results screen.
    * Fix content overlap when add-ons have added many editor buttons
    * Don’t change current note when reopening editor from review
    * A fix for running on Python 3.7.
    * Restore the tooltip for the Fields and Cards buttons in editor.
    * Fix "QPushButton has been deleted" error messages after a
      problem occurs changing note types.
    * Fix errors during "Check Database" that are just a byproduct
      of a previous operation that failed.
    * Fix problems searching for some non-Latin text in decks/note
      type names.
    * Ensure cgi and uuid modules are available to add-ons.
    * Automatically restart mpv if it stops responding.
    * Don’t convert non-Latin characters in add-on configuration to
      difficult-to-read escape codes.
* Tue Aug 07 2018
  - Update to 2.1.0. See
    for the list of changes.
    * Anki 2.1 uses the same scheduling, syncing and file format as Anki 2.0.x, so you can upgrade and downgrade at will.
    * It’s built with recent support libraries (Python 3.6, Qt 5.9), bringing fixes for crashes, better handling of high resolution displays, non-Latin text, and the latest web standards.
    * It requires a modern system - Windows 7+, OSX 10.10+, or a Linux distro from around 2014+.
    * Add-ons will need to be updated to work with 2.1.
    * Built in MathJax support
    * A "restore backup" option in the profiles screen
    * SVG rendering support for LaTeX
    * Improved add-on configuration, management and updating
    * Night mode for reviewing
    * Improved pasting, with less unnecessary formatting included, and better handling of media links. You can hold the shift key when pasting to allow more formatting to be included.
  - Rebase patches:
  - Remove unneeded patches
    * anki-Makefile.patch
  - Update appdata url
  - Anki uses python3 and Qt5 now.
* Mon Aug 21 2017
  - Update to 2.0.47. See
    for the list of changes.
* Tue Mar 28 2017
  - Update to 2.0.45. See
    for the list of changes.
* Mon Jan 09 2017
  - Update to 2.0.39. See for
    the list of changes.
* Wed Jul 13 2016
  - fixes to find translations in openSUSE-specific paths
* Sat May 14 2016
  - Update to 2.0.36, announce messages are here:
* Sun Oct 11 2015
  - Update to 2.0.33, announce messages are here:
* Sun Jun 28 2015
  - Remove not working
    %post %mimedatabasepost and postun %mimedatabasepostun
  - Add update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime and
    update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime
* Sat Jun 27 2015
  - Add BuildRequires for shared-mime-info
  - Add %post %mimedatabasepost and postun %mimedatabasepostun
  - Change anki.appdata.xml
* Fri Jun 19 2015
  - Update to 2.0.32, announce messages are here:
  - Use anki-Makefile.patch instead of many sed, imported from FreeBSD
  - Simplify installation handling, use normal build
  - Add anki.appdata.xml, imported from RedHat/Fedora
  - Reorder BuildRequires
  - Remove  Requires for xdg-utils
  - Change Description and add how to change Language
  - Add sed, Don't check for new updates
  - Change how to compile python
  - Use symlink for %fdupes
  - Use %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1%{ext_man} instead of %{_datadir}/man/man1/%{name}.1*



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Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 9 14:56:22 2025