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python3-azure-mgmt-4.0.0-150200.9.3.2 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Leap 15.6 for noarch

Name: python3-azure-mgmt Distribution: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15
Version: 4.0.0 Vendor: SUSE LLC <>
Release: 150200.9.3.2 Build date: Fri Mar 22 20:58:06 2024
Group: Development/Languages/Python Build host: h01-ch3a
Size: 18419 Source RPM: python-azure-mgmt-4.0.0-150200.9.3.2.src.rpm
Summary: Microsoft Azure Resource Management bundle
This is the Microsoft Azure Resource Management bundle.

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) is the next generation of management APIs that
replace the old Azure Service Management (ASM).

This package does not contain any code in itself. It installs a set
of packages that provide management APIs for the various Azure services.

All packages in this bundle have been tested with Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.






* Thu Jul 21 2022
  - Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1199282, jsc#PM-3243, jsc#SLE-24629)
* Tue Mar 22 2022
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-app
* Wed Mar 16 2022
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-agfood
    + python-azure-mgmt-agrifood
    + python-azure-mgmt-avs
    + python-azure-mgmt-chaos
    + python-azure-mgmt-connectedvmware
    + python-azure-mgmt-dataprotection
    + python-azure-mgmt-deviceupdate
    + python-azure-mgmt-digitaltwins
    + python-azure-mgmt-edgeorder
    + python-azure-mgmt-elastic
    + python-azure-mgmt-extendedlocation
    + python-azure-mgmt-fluidrelay
    + python-azure-mgmt-guestconfig
    + python-azure-mgmt-hybridnetwork
    + python-azure-mgmt-loadtestservice
    + python-azure-mgmt-logz
    + python-azure-mgmt-mobilenetwork
    + python-azure-mgmt-oep
    + python-azure-mgmt-orbital
    + python-azure-mgmt-purview
    + python-azure-mgmt-quantum
    + python-azure-mgmt-quota
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicessiterecovery
    + python-azure-mgmt-resourceconnector
    + python-azure-mgmt-resourcehealth
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabricmanagedclusters
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicelinker
    + python-azure-mgmt-storagepool
    + python-azure-mgmt-testbase
    + python-azure-mgmt-videoanalyzer
    + python-azure-mgmt-webpubsub
* Wed Oct 13 2021
  - Remove all version constraints in Requires (bsc#1187880, bsc#1188178)
* Fri Jan 08 2021
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-azureadb2c
    + python-azure-mgmt-confluent
    + python-azure-mgmt-customproviders
    + python-azure-mgmt-databox
    + python-azure-mgmt-datadog
    + python-azure-mgmt-hybridkubernetes
    + python-azure-mgmt-maintenance
    + python-azure-mgmt-portal
    + python-azure-mgmt-powerbidedicated
    + python-azure-mgmt-support
    + python-azure-mgmt-timeseriesinsights
  - Remove all version constraints in Requires
* Tue Dec 15 2020
  - Update in SLE-15 (bsc#1176785, jsc#ECO-3105, jsc#PM-2352)
* Thu Nov 26 2020
  - Only build Python3 flavors for distributions 15 and greater
* Tue Nov 24 2020
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-databoxedge
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-attestation >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-billing >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-communication >= 1.0.0b4
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 18.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 10.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.14.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 4.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-healthcareapis >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.10.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.14.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights >= 0.6.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-security >= 0.6.0
* Tue Nov 17 2020
  - Lower version dependency for python-azure-mgmt-resource to >= 10.0.0
* Thu Nov 12 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 6.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-core >= 1.2.2
    + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 8.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.24.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-subscription >= 0.7.0
* Mon Oct 12 2020
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-automanage
    + python-azure-mgmt-azurestackhci
    + python-azure-mgmt-baremetalinfrastructure
    + python-azure-mgmt-communication
    + python-azure-mgmt-resourcemover
    + python-azure-mgmt-streamanalytics
* Tue Oct 06 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 1.0.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 17.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 1.0.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.13.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 15.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-search >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 16.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-synapse >= 0.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.48.0
* Wed Sep 23 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 8.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 16.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.21.0
* Tue Sep 08 2020
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-appplatform >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hybridcompute >= 1.0.0
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-advisor >= 4.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-apimanagement >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.13.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-mixedreality >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.8.0
* Tue Sep 01 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 7.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-synapse >= 0.3.0
* Mon Aug 31 2020
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-datashare >= 0.2.0
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 0.6.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-authorization >= 0.61.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance < 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.12.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.14.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 3.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.9.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-reservations >= 0.8.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.20.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 11.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storagecache >= 0.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-subscription >= 0.6.0
* Tue Aug 18 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 5.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.7.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.12.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 10.2.0
* Mon Jul 20 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 9.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 6.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 13.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.15.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 3.0.0rc8
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 4.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.5.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-imagebuilder >= 0.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 0.7.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 0.11.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 11.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 10.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-security >= 0.4.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-signalr >= 0.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.19.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 11.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.47.0
* Thu May 07 2020
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration
    + python-azure-mgmt-redhatopenshift
    + python-azure-mgmt-storageimportexport
    + python-azure-mgmt-synapse
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights >= 0.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 8.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.0.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-core >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.14.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-costmanagement >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 2.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-kubernetesconfiguration >= 0.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 0.9.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.10.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 10.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-peering >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 9.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.46.0
* Tue Apr 14 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 12.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 9.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 2.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 2.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.18.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 9.0.0
* Wed Mar 11 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 11.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 9.0.0
* Mon Feb 24 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration >= 0.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 2.1.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 8.0.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 7.2.0
* Mon Jan 27 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-advisor >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 4.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 8.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 4.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-frontdoor >= 0.3.
    + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.12.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-imagebuilder >= 0.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-iothub >= 0.10.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 2.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-netapp >= 0.8.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 9.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.6.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storagecache >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storagesync >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.44.0
* Tue Jan 07 2020
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.11.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-redis >= 7.0.0rc1
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 7.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.16.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 7.0.0
* Thu Nov 28 2019
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 10.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 8.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 8.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 6.0.0
* Fri Oct 04 2019
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-alertsmanagement
    + python-azure-mgmt-apimanagement
    + python-azure-mgmt-appconfiguration
    + python-azure-mgmt-attestation
    + python-azure-mgmt-automation
    + python-azure-mgmt-costmanagement
    + python-azure-mgmt-databricks
    + python-azure-mgmt-deploymentmanager
    + python-azure-mgmt-edgegateway
    + python-azure-mgmt-frontdoor
    + python-azure-mgmt-healthcareapis
    + python-azure-mgmt-labservices
    + python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningservices
    + python-azure-mgmt-managedservices
    + python-azure-mgmt-mixedreality
    + python-azure-mgmt-netapp
    + python-azure-mgmt-peering
    + python-azure-mgmt-privatedns
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 7.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 5.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 7.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-consumption >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 7.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs >= 4.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 1.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-msi >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 5.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 4.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 4.0.0
* Wed Sep 11 2019
  - Drop patch to support older versions of setuptools as
    SLE-12 is now shipping with a recent enough version
    + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch
* Mon Apr 15 2019
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-security
    + python-azure-mgmt-sqlvirtualmachine
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-advisor >= 2.0.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-authorization >= 0.51.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-batch >= 6.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-batchai >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-commerce >= 1.0.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 4.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-consumption >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance >= 1.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry >= 2.7.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 4.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.5.2
    + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.7.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 2.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs >= 3.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 2.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight >= 0.2.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-iothub >= 0.7.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 1.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-kusto >= 0.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-logic >= 4.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 1.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 1.7.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-redis >= 6.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-reservations >= 0.3.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-scheduler >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus >= 0.5.3
    + python-azure-mgmt-signalr >= 0.1.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.11.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 3.1.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager >= 0.51.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.41.0
  - Remove python-devel package from BuildRequires
  - Run fdupes to hardlink duplicate files
    + Add fdupes to BuildRequires
    + Add %fdupes invocation to %install
* Thu Sep 06 2018
  - New upstream release
    + Version 4.0.0
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-botservice
    + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration
    + python-azure-mgmt-devspaces
    + python-azure-mgmt-documentdb
    + python-azure-mgmt-hdinsight
    + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral
    + python-azure-mgmt-kusto
    + python-azure-mgmt-managementgroups
    + python-azure-mgmt-maps
    + python-azure-mgmt-policyinsights
    + python-azure-mgmt-servermanager
    + python-azure-mgmt-signalr
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-authorization >= 0.50.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-batchai >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-billing >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cdn >= 3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices >= 3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 4.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance >= 1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry >= 2.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice >= 4.2
    + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb >= 0.4.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory >= 0.6.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datalake-analytics >= 0.6.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datalake-store >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-datamigration >= 1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-devtestlabs >= 2.2
    + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid >= 1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub >= 2.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure >= 0.1.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-iotcentral >= 0.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-iothub >= 0.5.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-keyvault >= 1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-logic >= 3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute >= 0.4.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-managementgroups >= 0.1.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-media >= 1.0.0rc2
    + python-azure-mgmt-monitor >= 0.5.2
    + python-azure-mgmt-msi >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 1.2
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices >= 0.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup >= 0.3.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-reservations >= 0.2.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-resource >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-scheduler >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-search >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus >= 0.5.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-sql >= 0.9.1
    + python-azure-mgmt-storage >= 2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-subscription >= 0.2.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-trafficmanager >= 0.50.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-web >= 0.35.0
  - Update patches for new version
    + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch
  - Update %description from
  - Update Requires from
* Mon May 07 2018
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-batchai >= 1.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-compute >= 4.0.0rc1
    + python-azure-mgmt-dns >= 2.0.0rc1
    + python-azure-mgmt-network >= 2.0.0rc2
    + python-azure-mgmt-rdbms >= 1.1.0
* Fri Apr 13 2018
  - New upstream version
    + Version 2.0.0
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-batchai
    + python-azure-mgmt-billing
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerinstance
    + python-azure-mgmt-containerservice
    + python-azure-mgmt-managementpartner
    + python-azure-mgmt-relay
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicefabric
  - Remove obsolete packages from the Azure SDK from Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-documentdb
  - Move LICENSE.txt from %doc to %license section
  - Update patches for new version
    + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch
  - Update Requires from
* Tue Feb 13 2018
  - Update version numbers for component packages in Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-batch to >= 5.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cdn to >= 2.0.0
    + python-azure-mgmt-cognitiveservices to >= 2.0.0
* Thu Jan 25 2018
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-advisor
    + python-azure-mgmt-applicationinsights
    + python-azure-mgmt-consumption
    + python-azure-mgmt-datafactory
    + python-azure-mgmt-hanaonazure
    + python-azure-mgmt-iothubprovisioningservices
    + python-azure-mgmt-loganalytics
    + python-azure-mgmt-machinelearningcompute
    + python-azure-mgmt-marketplaceordering
    + python-azure-mgmt-msi
    + python-azure-mgmt-reservations
    + python-azure-mgmt-subscription
* Thu Oct 05 2017
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventgrid
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservices
  - Explicitly specify Python files of the package in %files
  - Remove bogus tests directory from %files
  - Bump python-azure-mgmt-compute Requires to >= 3.0.0
  - Bump python-azure-mgmt-containerregistry Requires to >= 1.0.0
* Tue Jul 11 2017
  - Update version numbers in Requires
    + Bump minimum version for python-azure-mgmt-cdn to 1.0.0
    + Bump minimum version for python-azure-mgmt-compute to 2.0.0
  - Add additional packages from the Azure SDK to Requires
    + python-azure-mgmt-commerce
    + python-azure-mgmt-cosmosdb
    + python-azure-mgmt-eventhub
    + python-azure-mgmt-media
    + python-azure-mgmt-notificationhubs
    + python-azure-mgmt-powerbiembedded
    + python-azure-mgmt-recoveryservicesbackup
    + python-azure-mgmt-search
    + python-azure-mgmt-servermanager
    + python-azure-mgmt-servicebus
* Tue Jun 27 2017
  - Initial build
    + Version 1.0.0
  - Add patch to drop compatible releases operator from,
    required for SLES12 as the setuptools version is too old
    + am_drop-compatible-releases-operator.patch



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Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 9 14:56:22 2025