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Name: wxEDID | Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed |
Version: 0.0.32 | Vendor: openSUSE |
Release: 1.1 | Build date: Sun Mar 16 19:25:40 2025 |
Group: Hardware/Other | Build host: reproducible |
Size: 752868 | Source RPM: wxEDID-0.0.32-1.1.src.rpm |
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Url: | |
Summary: Extended Display Identification Data editor |
wxEDID is a wxWidgets - based EDID (Extended Display Identification Data) editor. This is an early stage of development, allowing to modify the base EDID v1.3+ structure and CEA-861 (as first extension block). Besides normal editor functionality, the app has been equipped with a DTD constructor, which aims to ease timings selection/editing. It's also possible to export and import EDID data to/from text files (hex ASCII format) and also to save the structures as a human-readable text.
* Sun Mar 16 2025 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.32 Added: * SLDB::SPKLD: value selector for Speaker_ID. * EDID_cl::RMCD_NormV(): new handler to support normalized distance values in SLDB::DSPC and SLDB::SPKLD * SLDB::SPKLD support for dynamic group name, based on spk ID, chn number and X/Y/Z coordinates * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID(): automatically inject missing descriptors of type 0x01 (VOID) in base EDID block, if ignoring of EDID errors is enabled. * StatusBar: display total group size in bytes. * ADB::SAD: ACE_TC value selector. * ADB::SAD: support for dynamic group names, based on SAD.ACE_TC code (if AFC==15) * H-spec: Support for HADB: HDMI Audio Data Block. * blktree_cl::evt_mouse_leftup(): sending wxEVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED evt -> allows to re-select currently selected item -> display group decription again. * blktree_cl::evt_Lmouse_dclick(): sending WXK_RETURN key events for selected tree items. * wxEDID_Frame::evt_blktr_key() handling of WXK_RETURN key events: switch to DTD constructor if selected item is of type DTD or T7VTDB. * MRL: support for CVT support information data layout (mode 0x04). * EDID descriptor: DCM: Display Color Management (type 0xF9). * EDID descriptor: CT3: CVT 3-Byte Timing Codes (type 0xF8). * EDID descriptor: ET3: Estabilished Timings 3 (type 0xF7) * VESA STD2, CVT3 non-std codes: "(!std)" appended to dynamic group name. * txtd_cl: "hex_text" field: hexadecimal representation of the text string. * Support for LE<->BE byte swapping, depending on platform endianness: EDID_cl::Word16(), BitF16Val(), MfcId(), ProdSN(), DTD_PixClk(), ParseEDID_Base(hdr_magic). * DTD_constructor: support for T7VTDB * EDID_cl::ParseEDID_Base(), ParseEDID_CEA() logging details of the parsing process. * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID(): logging details of the assembling process. * ADB::SAD: support for dynamic group names, based on SAD.AFC code. * T8VTDB: dynamic type ID, based on TSC bit value: verifying layout type for Insert operation. * T8VTDB: dynamic VTC sub-groups base names: T8VTC_T0/STI, depending on TSC bit value. * T10VTDB: dynamic type ID, based on T10_M bit value: verifying layout type for Insert operation. * T10VTDB: dynamic VTD sub-groups base names: T10VTD_M0/T10VTD_M1, depending on T10_M value. * H-spec: Support for T10VTDB. * EDID_cl::ALT_DType(): dedicated handler for alt. desc. type field: triggers reparsing of descriptor data. * Support for changing descriptor types in base EDID block. * H-spec: Support for T8VTDB. * dbc_root_dsc_t.fields, dbc_root_dsc_t.fcount and dbc_root_dsc_t.ahf_sz: support for additional fields in root group (besides the DBC header), needed for T8VTDB and T10VTDB * vmap_ent_t.flags: additional flags for modifying value selector behaviour. Currently used only with F_HEX for VESA DMT 2 byte codes * STI: 'DMT_2' field which allows to select standardised VESA video code using value selector menu. * H-spec: Support for T7VTDB. * T7VTDB: value selectors for 3D mode and aspect ratio. * T7VTDB: getGrpName(): support for dynamic block name * EDID_cl::T7VTB_PixClk() and T7VTB_W15_LE() dedicated field handlers for T7VTDB. * EDID_cl::Word16(): unaligned u16_t opperations, LE. * New Extended Tag Codes definitions: + DBC_ET_T7VTB : DisplayID Type VII Video Timing Data Block, + DBC_ET_T8VTB : DisplayID Type VIII Video Timing Data Block + DBC_ET_T10VTB: DisplayID Type X Video Timing Data Block + Not in CTA-861-H spec: + DBC_ET_HEOVR : HDMI Forum EDID Extension Override Data Block + DBC_ET_HSCDB : HDMI Forum Sink Capability Data Block + DBC_ET_HADB : HDMI Audio Data Block Fixed: * UNK-DAT sub-grp: added type flag T_NO_MOVE: can't be moved. * EDID_cl::STI_DBN(): use std name from VS if found - it can contain RB flag, which is not encoded directly in the structure. * (BUG::regression) SVD: No dynamic name generated for VIC==0 (reserved). * (BUG) edi_grp_cl::base_clone(): missing call to AssembleGroup(): changes made in sub-groups were not included in cloned group. * wxEDID_Frame::evt_blktr_paste(): keep expanded state of target group. * (BUG::wxWidgets::GTK) missing icons in wxMessageBox(): using custom wxDialog: dlg::MessageBox() * Event logic race: changing BlkTree group selection whith DataGrid selection active: description displayed in Info panel comes from field of newly generated grid insted from newly slected group. * Some errors logged twice for Reparse(). * (BUG): UpdateDataGrid(): special case: assertion failure: (row_idx<row_cnt) if last row has F_FR flag set AND ForcedGrpRefresh() causes reducing numer of fields -> the index of selected row becomes out of range -> SelectRow() fails. * (BUG::regression): RMCD: payload data interpreted as UNK-DAT. * (BUG::regression) base_DBC_Init_RootGrp() insert UNK-DAT group if block length is too short to show AHF fields. * (BUG) BlkTreeChangeGrpType()->EDID.ParseAltDtor() needs grp offset, because instance data is in local data buffer -> for UNK type, the error message contains invalid group offset. * (BUG::old) ParseEDID_CEA() incorrect calculation of num_dtd: std says it's a total number of native DTDs, including Block0, but only DTDs in the CEA block were counted. * (BUG::old) value of BED.num_extblk is now properly handled: num_extblk==0: only base EDID is saved, regardless of whether extension was loaded or not. num_extblk==1: wxedid reports error on Save/Export if the extension block is not present. num_extblk>1: error: only 1 extension block is currently supported (CTA-861). * (BUG::wxWidgets::undocumented) ImportEDID_hex(): wxFileDialog: wilcard selector is showing empty string if path contains file extension that doesn't match the wilcard. * ParseEDID_CEA(): added checking of 18-byte desc. type @ dtd_offs: must be a DTD. Currently it is possible to change the DTD into alt. desc. type by setting the PixClk to 0. * T10VTDB, ADB, VDB: missing initialization of edi_grp_cl::subg_id: doInsert() did not set type_id for inserted groups. * UNK-DAT sub-grps can only be deleted - or re-interpreted when group type or length is changed. * GroupAr_cl::base_Paste() pasted group must inherit T_P_HOLDER flag (currently only for STI) * (BUG::old) wxEDID_Frame::BlkTreeChangeGrpType(), BlkTreeUpdateGrp(): assertion failure (invalid idx) when changing type of last group in the GroupAr_cl. * (BUG) BlkTreeChangeGrpType(): missing initialization of parent array: grp_new->setParentAr() * (BUG) removed invalid "code page 437" references from field descriptions. * (BUG::old) EDID_cl::FldPadStr()-> wxString::FromAscii(): assertion failure if UTX, MND or MSN descriptors contain non-ascii values. Now using wxString::From8BitData() / wxString::To8BitData(), what allows to handle invalid EDID data. * (BUG::old::mislooked): wxEDID_Frame::WriteField(): invalid access to freed data field buffer after DBC Tag or ETag values are changed. This could trigger repersing of invalid data from deleted block. * (BUG::LEAK::old): wxEDID_Frame::BlkTreeDelGrp(), wxEDID_Frame::evt_blktr_copy(): deletion of sub-groups not performed -> LEAK. * (BUG::old::mislooked): AST: Additional Standard Timings descriptor: incorrect description for desc_type field. * STI, AST: 'pix_ratio' field should be 'asp_ratio': image aspect ratio. * (BUG::regression): SaveRep(): TagCode 7 and T7VTDB ETag descriptions not printed. * SaveEDID(): update BlockTree root node label and config.last_used_fname. * (BUG::typo::old): mrl_cl::Clone(): base_clone() invoked with new dtd_cl, should be mrl_cl. * EDID_cl::DTD_PixClk() now uses rdWord16_LE() and wrWord16_LE(), what allows to correctly handle unaligned 16bit fields in CEA block. Besides that, those functions allow to operate unaligned fields in T7VTDB. Changed: * H-spec: SLDB::SPKD X/Y/Zmax distances have defined default values. * H-spec: SLDB::DSPC DisplayX/Y/Z fields have defined default values. * ADB: ACE_TC field moved to pos. 3, rigth after AFC row. * Removed edi_grp_cl::subg_id: use type_id.subg_id >> root grps need to have this value set correctly, to support insert_into(). * EDID_base.cpp: main funtions and common field handlers moved to EDID_main.cpp * H-spec: ADB: AFC=15, ACE=4,5,6, SAD byte2.bit0 is now "SysH_22_2" (reserved in G) * H-spec: ADB: AFC=15, ACE=11, SAD byte0.bits0-2 field is now "MPEG-H 3D Audio Level" (reserved in G) * H-spec: ADB: AFC=15, ACE=11, SAD byte2.bit0 is now "LCP" (reserved in G) * H-spec: ADB: AFC=15, ACE=11, SAD byte2.bit1 is now "BP" (reserved in G) * RMCD: removed DHDR sub-grp, using AHF now. * SAB3D: ACAT fields moved to top of the field list. * MRL-CVT: CVT version byte split into major:minor bitfields. * H-spec: SAB: byte0.bit6 is now reserved, was RLC/RRC: Rear Left/Right of Center * H-spec: SAB: byte2.bit3 is now reserved, was TpLS/TpRS Top Left/Right Surround. However, in HADB this bit is used for LSd/RSd: Left/Right Surround direct * ExportEDID_hex(), ImportEDID_hex(): default file name extension is '*.hex', so it is different from EDID structures saved as text. * Added -llto flag to release build flags (link-time optimization) * MRL: variable data layout, depending on byte10 value (modes 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04) * MRL: EDID_cl::MRL_MaxPixClk() takes additional PixClk precision bits into account if CVT support information is available (mode 0x04). * txtd_cl: dynamic blk name: display <invalid_str> for invalid data, which otherwise could trigger changing of tree item spacing. * UTX, MSN, MND: single txtd_cl class: switching ID, text field name and description depending on descriptor type. * EDID: UNK descriptor handles type 0x10 as "VOID: Unused Data" * EDID_class.cpp split into EDID_base.cpp and EDID_dsc.cpp * AST: Additional Standard Timings (type 0xFA) uses STI sub-groups, what allows to show dynamic timing names and use value selector menu. * Base_EDID::Alt Descriptors are now sharing header fields: using edi_grp_cl::init_fields() in append mode. * T8VTDB: TSC=1 layout: using STI sub-groups, exchangeable with AST descriptor. * Files generated by rcd_autogen are removed by "distclean" target, and not by "clean-local". This allows to re-build the package after 'make clean' without invoking the rcd_autogen again. * edi_grp_cl::type_id type changed to gtid_t -> alternative way for referencing type flags. * (Paste/Insert): always create copy of source group -> no need to handle special cases. * CEA-DBC IDs shifted 1 bit left to make space for new Alternative Descriptors IDs. * DTD can be transformed into alternative descriptor type by setting PixClk to ZERO. * Alternative descriptors can be transformed to DTD by changing "zero_hdr" field to a non-zero value. * Added DMT video codes table: vid_fmt.cpp::dmt_table[]. The table is used for generating value selectors for DMT-ID, STD2 and CVT3 codes. * edi_grp_cl::base_DBC_Init_RootGrp(), SubGrpAr_cl::CalcDataSZ(), GroupAr_cl::base_CalcDataSZ(): added support for additional header fields in dbc_root_dsc_t. * EDID_cl::getVidDesc() -> EDID_cl::getValDesc(): general-purpose fn. * The DMT codes values are exceeding the range allowed for wxMenuItem ID (0x0..0x7FFF), so a new method for encoding menu item values is used: If (new) F_VSVM s set in edi_field_t.flags, the the value is stored from vmap_ent_t.val instead of item ID. * Added vmap.cpp: global array of value maps and selector menus. Now the vmaps are referenced by edi_field_t.vmap_idx and can be shared among many fields. Value selector menus are created only on first use: wxEDID_Frame::evt_dgrid_vsel()->vmap_GetSelector() Removed: edi_dynfld_t.selector and edi_grp_cl.create_selector() * edi_grp_cl::base_DBC_Init_FlatGrp() adopted to work as init() for T7VTDB. * EDID_cl::ParseDBC_TAG(): create unknown type data blocks also for reserved ETags. This allows to freely change ETags and generates correct error messages. * vmap_t structures replaced with const std::map. This was necessary because new ETags have high values like "DBC_ET_HEOVR" == 120, so the old vmap_t would need to contain a lot of NULL entries. Other: * Cleanup: edi_grp_cl::init_fields(): removed unused arg 'orflags' * Cleanup: Removed code for evt nesting prevention - no longer needed. * Cleanup: wxEDID_Frame::evt_dgrid_write(): removed Show/HideCellEditControl() - no longer needed. * Cleanup: HDRD: EDID_cl::HDRD_mtd_type() removed, using general-purpose EDID_cl::Word16() handler. * Cleanup: Removed redundant checking for NULL instance ponter in some field handlers. * Update: grpar: changed rules for operating groups/sub-groups: + base EDID & AST: STI can be moved/copied/pasted + added support for new type_id format & flags. * Update: rcode v3.2 * Started: updates for CTA-861-H * Sun Mar 17 2024 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.31 Fixed: * (BUG) wxEDID_Frame::evt_ntbook_page() was invoked during frame construction with uninitialized wxEDID_Frame::flags & wxEDID_Frame::edigrp_sel, what could lead to a segfault. * Tue Jan 09 2024 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.30 Added: * Support for Dark Mode in Block Data grid. NOTE: wxGrid does not fully support dynamic theme switching in wxWidgets v3.2.x, so the application has to be restarted to use new theme. Fixed: * DTD panel: fixed alignment of "X11 mode line". * Option "Assemble EDID" now updates also the CHD::DTD_offset field in Block Data grid. NOTE: The value is computed by EDID_cl::CEA_Set_DTD_Offset(). * wxEDID_Frame::AssembleEDID_main(): the EDID.BASE.BED could be refreshed twice if the CEA extension is not present. * Auto-select the BED block also after "Reparse EDID buffer" is executed: wxEDID_Frame::Reparse()->AutoSelectBED() * mrl_cl::fields: misleading field description: GTF J, GTF C: "xxx value, multiplied by 2: 0...255 -> 0...127.5" changed to: "xxx value, multiplied by 2: 0...127.5 -> 0...255" * MRL::resvd field should have the EF_HEX flag. * BED: fields ProdYr and ProdWk should not have the EF_BND flag set. * BED: ProdWk: added information that week==0 means that the field is not used. Changed: * EF_NI "NI" flag is no longer displayed in BlockData::"Flags" column. * rcode v3.0: structure changed: RCD_UNIT_MAX=65535, RCD_LINE_MAX=16383 * Tue May 23 2023 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.29 Changed: * BED: dynamic name: displays only MFC and product ID (removed prod. year and week) * VDB::SVD: append "[Native]" if native resolution flag is set. Fixed: * (BUG::regression) EDID_cl::getVidDesc(): missing space between aspect ratio and screen resolution: incorrect SVD description in text output mode (Save_As_Text). * Using global strings where possible: cheaper, faster. xxx::getGrpName() -> global EDID_cl::gp_name wxEDID_Frame::SaveRep_SubGrps(), WriteField(), GetFullGroupName() -> wxEDID_Frame::sval EDID_cl::getStrUint() -> EDID_cl::tmps2 * Sun May 21 2023 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.28 Changed: * Change: Default colors for all controls: allows to work with different window themes: wxWidgets 3.0.x: not working for wxAUI windows, wxTreeCtrl and wxGrid wxWidgets 3.2.x: not working for wxGrid Added: * Automatic selection of BED block after the EDID file is loaded/imported. * BDD: display image size as dynamic block name. * BED: display MFC code, year, week, prod ID as dynamic block name. * DTD and VDB::SVD: use screen resolution as dynamic block name. * MND: display monitor name as dynamic block name. * STI: use screen resolution as dynamic block name or set "not used" if both bytes are 0x1. * VID: display input type as dynamic block name. * config option: blk_dynamic_names. * edi_grp_cl::getGrpName(): support for dynamic block names. Fixed: * DTD panel: sct_pixclk control: value range should be 0..65535 (655.35MHz), not 0..655350 * DTD panel: sct_vsoffs, sct_vswidth controls: value range should be 0..63, not 0..1023 * Thu Sep 29 2022 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.27 Changed * ExportEDID_hex(): do not append wxEDID version and the source file name at the end of output file: this causes errors when the file needs to be imported back (unless ignoring errors is enabled). * VFPD: Video Format Preference Data Block is now root group for array of SVRs * CEA-EXT::VFPD:SVR: added vmap: CEA_vidm_map, same as for SVD: this allows to show meaning of SVR values when the EDID structure is saved as text. * wxEDID_Frame::OpenEDID(), ImportEDID_hex(): always try to Reparse() faulty EDID structure when "Ignore EDID errors" is enabled. wxEDID_Frame::Reparse() is now returning fault even when ignoring errors is enabled. Added * wxEDID_Frame::SaveRep_SubGrps(): decoding of VFPD:SVR values. Fixed * The checksum values showed in BLockData grid for EDID.BASE.BED or EDID.CEA.CHD were not refreshed after AssembleEDID/Save/Export. To refresh those cells, it was necessary to Reparse() the EDID buffer. Now the checksums are automatically updated in wxEDID_Frame::AssembleEDID_main(), invoked from wxEDID_Frame::SaveEDID(), ExportEDID_hex(), SaveReport() and evt_assemble_edid(). * (BUG::leak) wxEDID_Frame::ImportEDID_hex(): memory leak possible when the hex->bin conversion fails. * (BUG::wxWidgets3.x ::wxAUI) AUI managed panel gets refreshed even when it's invisible, what can cause horrible flickering during window resizing. wxEDID_Frame::evt_ntbook_page(): disable the EvtHandler in AUI Manager when the panel is invisible. * (BUG: Regression in v0.0.23) The functions EDID_cl::MfcId(), ProdSN(), ProdWk(), ProdYr() were not updated to work with local data buffers: the respective fields in EDID.BASE.BED could not be changed. * wxEDID_Frame::SaveRep_SubGrps(): Video Data Block: VIC values were not really decoded, so for SVD values > 127 the desriptions were incorrect. * (BUG::old::mislooked) wxEDID_Frame::SaveRep_SubGrps() uses value descriptions from vmap_t->vname_map_t, but reserved values were not included in some cases -> incorrect (shifted) descriptions in the output file. Now all the reserved values are included with value description set to NULL. edi_grp_cl::create_selector() ignores values with NULL name ptr. wxEDID_Frame::SaveRep_SubGrps() prints "<reserved>" for NULL name ptr. * Thu Dec 23 2021 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.26 Fixed * CEA::VSD incorrect bit offset for DVI_Dual field. * reparsing of CEA-header group should not be possible (returned uninitialized rcode). * Tue Apr 20 2021 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.25 Changed * default size for all spin controls on DTD_Constructor panel. Looks ugly, but works with wxWidgets compiled against GTK3. Fixed * <various functions> :: in case of error, always return error message, not just the rcode. Some function were returning the message only if "Ignore Errors" mode was enabled. * Build fails with Clang: unlike GCC, Clang does not support static initialization of flexible arrays in C++ mode: removed flex arrays from all field groups descriptors. - Changes in v0.0.24 Added * VID: Video Input Descriptor: support for field definitions introduced in EDID v1.4 * wxEDID_Frame::ImportEDID_hex(): report source file byte offset if conversion fails. Changed * EDID base block: UNK: Unknown Descriptor, unk_cl::init(): insert unknown byte fields instead of single byte string (easier to view and edit). * EDID_class.h: CEA-specific classes moved to dedicated headers: CEA_class.h, CEA_EXT_class.h * EDID_class.h: shared declarations moved to EDID_shared.h Fixed * (BUG::regression) wxEDID_Frame::UpdateBlockTree(): the BlockTree was not expanded automatically when opened file contains only the base EDID block (no extensions). * (BUG::regression): edi_grp_cl::init_fields(): a call to FieldsAr.Empty() is necessary for ForcedGroupRefresh() functions. * (old mislooked BUG): STI: Standard Timing Information: NU flag was not set for unused fields. * Menu "Options": "Reparse EDID buffer" and "AssembleEDID" options are disabled until EDID data is loaded/imported. * wxEDID_Frame::UpdateDataGrid(): missing auto-resizing of row labels width: BlkDataGrid->SetRowLabelSize(wxGRID_AUTOSIZE). * Sun Mar 14 2021 Mia Herkt <> - Drop wxedid-no-implicit-string-conversion.patch - Update to v0.0.23 Fixed * (BUG in GCC v8.3.0): broken array bounds checking with optimizations enabled, f.e: "src/CEA_EXT_class.cpp:1512:13: warning: ‘void* memcpy(void*, const void*, size_t)’ forming offset [49, 560] is out of the bounds [0, 48] of object ‘slocd_cl::SLOCD_subg’ with type ‘const subgrp_dsc_t’ {aka ‘const subgrp_dsc_s’} [-Warray-bounds]" Disabled diagnostic for [-Warray-bounds] in CEA_EXT_class.cpp * (BUG) EDID_cl::ParseEDID_CEA(): checking of padding bytes after last DTD did not allow to ignore errors (bad rcode on exit). * (BUG) IFDB::VSIFD: incorrect offset for ieee_id field. * (BUG) RMCD: several bugs in field offsets, incorrect max values * (BUG) SAB: Speaker Allocation Block: used ID_VSD as typeID, instead of (missing) ID_SAB. * (BUG) SLOCD fields: incorrect offset for channel index byte. * (BUG) VSD: Vendor Specific Data Block: cea_vsd_cl::init() display unspecified payload data as unknown bytes (previously ignored). * (BUG::LEAK): GroupAr_cl: Delete()/Paste(): call Detach() then delete the object: RemoveAt() only removes the pointer. * (BUG::typo) HDRD: HDR Dynamic Metadata Data Block: incorrect pointer used to read HDRD metadata lenght: base DBC pointer (inst) used instead of p_mtd. * (partially): VSD: dynamic data layout, depending on block length (currently only 00-0C-03 ID is supported) * BlkDataGrid: don't use fixed Row/Column sizes: problems on HDPI (thanks to Jat). * BlockTree menu: show group free space if no subgroups are present. * BlockTree menu: show info about free space even if there's no source block available. * CEA header: corrected description of dtd_offs field. * Calc. relative offsets of top level data groups (relative to the begin of EDID blocks) * HDRD: fixed field descriptions, fixed min/max values for mtd_ver and resvd47. * InsertInto() could insert 32th DBC byte: blk_len overflow. CanInsInto(): missing checking of sub-group free space * VID: Video Input Descriptor fields were referencing EDID buffer instead local instance data. * Y24C: incorrect total data length: missing DBC header * groups which have subgroups must call subgroups.CalcDataSZ() on init(). * removed ForceRefresh (EF_FGR) flag from unknown byte. Changed * All T_EDID_FIXED data groups are now operating on local data buffers. Reparse() restores the loaded EDID state, reverting all the changes - unless AssembleEDID() or Save/Export is executed. From this point Reparse() restores the saved/assembled state. * Base EDID block: movable blocks are now using edi_grp_cl::CopyInstData() to create local data instances. * BlockTree: blocked auto-repeating of all keys except up/down arrows. * CEA_BlkHdr_fields[]: removed EF_FGR flags: dedicated handlers are used. * CEA_class.cpp: all blocks (excluding the CEA_header) are now using edi_grp_cl::CopyInstData() to create local data instances * DTD panel: increased H-size of pix_clk and V-refresh controls - big values didn't fit. txc_hfreq: reduced fractional part accuracy to 2 digits, to fit the control size. * EDID_cl::ParseEDID_CEA(): search DTDs after DBC end, not at declared DTD offset * Menu Options->"Recalc Checksum" changed to "Assemble EDID" * Remapped group IDs, so subgroups IDs can be individually masked * UpdateEDID_Tree(): only main EDID blocks are automatically expanded (data sub-groups are not). * Y42C: removed cea_y42c_cl::gen_data_layout(): no longer needed. * edi_grp_cl::base_clone() return also the rcode for reporting errors. Non-critical errors can be now ignored. * wxEDID_App::CmdLineArgs(): now uses wxCmdLineParser. * wxEDID_Frame::ClearAll(): clear BlockTree, so if Re-OpenEDID() fails, the tree stays empty. * wxEDID_Frame::DTD_Ctor_WriteInt() and WriteField(): log old field values. Added * Auto-reparse DBC group on Tag Code/Extended Tag Code change. * Basic copy/paste functionality for blocks of the same type. * Block type ID: T_EDID_FIXED: fixed, single instance block. Instance data held in EDID buffer. Blocks without the flag set will keep instance data in local buffers. * BlockTree context menu: "Insert Into": insert subgroup @idx == 0. * BlockTree context menu: "Reparse Group": reparse single group (root groups only). This allows to re-interpret the group f.e. after manual editing of "unknown" bytes. * BlockTree context menu: display additional details in a sub-menu: abs/relative offsets and block/group free space. * BlockTree key bindings for Copy/Paste/Cut/Move(Up/Down) * CEA-DBC header: (Extended) Tag Code selector menus. * CanPaste/CanInsert: checking parent block free space. * Checking free space after manual editing of DBC block length. * Clone() method for all data classes which can be copied. * DBC_GrpAr_cl: array of DBC sub-groups. * DBC_GrpAr_cl: paste/insert/move methods specialized for DBC. * Data Grid: option for showing field details: base offset, shift and size. Added: menu "Options"->"Block Data: show field details" Added: config.b_dta_grid_details * Dynamic data layout support for groups: ADB, VDB, VSD, SAB. * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID()->CEA_Set_DTD_Offset(): check & update DTD offset in CEA block. * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID(): copy local data from movable blocks back to the main EDID buffer. * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID(): update block length in DBC headers. This means that manual changes to the block length are ignored -> only insert/delete/cut operations can change the block size. * GroupAr_cl: specialized derived classes: EDID_GrpAr_cl and CEA_GrpAr_cl: block-specific implementations of paste/insert/move methods. * IFDB: edi_grp_cl::IFDB_Init_SubGrp(): shared init function for sub-groups. * Log operations: Copy/Paste/Delete/Cut/Insert(Up/Down)Move(Up/Down) * New array class for holding EDID groups: GroupAr_cl: implements the copy/paste/move operations. * New data group cea_unkdat_cl: UNK-DAT Unknown Data bytes, used as a subgroup for representing undefined bytes. * New field flag: EF_INIT: forced re-initialization of the group. Flag name is "FR", same as for Forced Group Refresh. * Saving/restoring AUI layout, window position and size. NOTE: changed token delimiters, old cfg files have to be re-created. * Sub-group type ID: T_DBC_FIXED: fixed within DBC, instance data held in local buffer. * Subgroups have the same type ID as parent groups + T_DBC_SUBGRP flag. * Support for manual editing of DBC block length and Tag Codes: SAB, VDTC, VSD, UNK-TC, VCDB, HDRS, CLDB, VSVD, VSAD, VFPD, Editing group trees: ADB, VDB, RMCD * Support for manual editing of DBC block length and Tag Codes: SLDB, VDDD, IFDB, HDRD (+ metadata length) * Y42C, SLOCD: support for handling invalid block lengths. * cea_sad_cl::byte2_afc2_8: EDID_cl::SAD_BitRate(): handling values of bitrate in 8kHz units. * edi_grp_cl::CodeName: code name is now separated from GroupName * edi_grp_cl::base_DBC_Init_FlatGrp(): update field offsets if TG_FLEX_OFFS flag is set in group descriptor. * edi_grp_cl::parent_grp: parent group pointer: needed to update group data size after inserting/deleting of sub-groups. * wxEDID_App::CmdLineArgs() new cmd line switches: - e --ignore-errors, -w --all-writeable. * wxEDID_Frame::BlkTreeUpdateGrp() try to restore sub-group selection. * wxEDID_Frame::ClearAll(): clear edigrp_src ptr and change mnu_BlkTree info item to miInfoNOK. * wxEDID_Frame::evt_blktree_rmb(): handler for RMB actions. * wxEDID_Frame::mnu_BlkTree: RMB menu for selecting block actions Updated * Update: manpage: added new cmd line options. * Update: rcd_autogen v2.3 * Fri Jan 08 2021 Mia Herkt <> - Update to v0.0.22 Fixed * (BUG) (Thanks to Matthew Evanson): EDID_cl::ParseEDID_CEA(): the number of included DTDs can be greater than the number of mandatory *native* DTDs specified in cea_hdr_t.info_blk.num_dtd. Those additional DTDs were silently ignored in previous wxEDID versions. Additionally, the padding area after last DTD is now checked (all bytes have to be zeroed). * Desription of cea_hdr_t.info_blk.num_dtd field: it should be explicitly stated, that this is a number of *native* DTDs, and not the total number of DTDs in the CEA block. * wxEDID_App::CmdLineArgs(): using wxLogStderr for printing messages to stderr. * EDID_cl::ParseDetDtor(): error msg needs EDID block number, passed by the caller. * all references to GPLv3 replaced with GPLv3+, to match the declarations in COPYING. * strict control of what goes to the 'dist' target. * don't distribute src/config.h -> this requires a workaround in wxEDID_Main.h, i.e. defining dummy VERSION symbol when rcd_autogen is running. * (BUG) EDID_cl::VSD_ltncy(): unsupported IEEE-OUI codes: don't overflow if the latency value is zero: mark the field as unused. Added EF_FGR flags: editing the latency value removes "unused" flag. * (BUG) cea_vsd_cl::fields[] max latency value is 500ms, not 251=(500/2)+1. Changed * wxEDID_Frame::SaveRep_SubGrps(): export offset values in both decimal and hex format. * single top-level * cea_vsd_cl::fields[]: Latency: Added info about 2ms granularity of values. * cea_vsd_cl: Updated group description (new IEEE-OUI codes). Added * man/wxedid.1 manpage written by Felix Lechner. Updated * rcode.h v1.1.0, rcd_autogen v2.1
/usr/bin/wxedid /usr/share/doc/packages/wxEDID /usr/share/doc/packages/wxEDID/AUTHORS /usr/share/doc/packages/wxEDID/ChangeLog /usr/share/licenses/wxEDID /usr/share/licenses/wxEDID/COPYING
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Fabrice Bellet, Fri Mar 28 00:05:01 2025