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Name: LaTeXML | Distribution: openSUSE:Factory:zSystems |
Version: 0.8.8 | Vendor: openSUSE |
Release: 1.3 | Build date: Mon Feb 26 21:06:44 2024 |
Group: Productivity/Publishing/TeX/Utilities | Build host: reproducible |
Size: 114642 | Source RPM: LaTeXML-0.8.8-1.3.src.rpm |
Packager: | |
Url: | |
Summary: TeX and LaTeX to XML translator |
LaTeXML is a TeX & LaTeX to XML, HTML, MathML, ePub, JATS, ... converter.
* Mon Feb 26 2024 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Update to version 0.8.8: * This release addresses a large variety of usability, fidelity, robustness, portability and output-quality issues. * breaking change: ltx:inline-para has been renamed ltx:inline-logical-block * Improved CSS, html, accessibility affecting * framing, position & rotation, color * figure/subfigure grouping * MathML (closer to MathML Core) * avoid gratuitous math mode (simple sub/superscripts); mathvariant * option to avoid InvisibleTimes, when not certain (--noinvisibletimes) * Improved emulation of TeX internals * affecting registers, \chardef, accents, intarray, tracing * More TeX-like "scanning" of tokens affecting * expansion, input, * alignments (\halign,tabular) * improved block mode processing * affecting \parbox, {minipage}, \centering, \raggedright/left * More consistent set of block elements: * ltx:block, ltx:logical-block, ltx:sectional-block, * along with their inline variants: * ltx:inline-block, ltx:inline-logical-block, ltx:inline-sectional-block * breaking change: ltx:inline-para has been renamed ltx:inline-logical-block * Improvements to processing alignments (\halign, tabular), * more TeX-like (processing templates, spacing) * Improved processing of images, graphics, svg generation * image post-processing * pgf, tikz, pgfplots, tikz-cd * initial support for Vietnamese, t5enc * improved Windows portability * improved schema documentation * Improvements to test cases. * New bindings: boxedminipage, cmap, ifdraft, marginnote, tikz-cd. * Improvements to bindings: aa, aas, algorithm2e, amsmath, amsthm, cleverref, comment, csquotes, elsarticle, enumitem, expl3, framed, hyperref, hyperxmp, IEEEtran, lineno, listing, longtable, mn2e, nicefrac, ntheorem, pdfpages, pgfmath, pgfplots, rotating, srcltx, sidecap, subcaption, subfiles, thmtools, tikz, url, xfrac, xypic. * Mon Dec 26 2022 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Update to version 0.8.7: * This release addresses a large variety of usability, fidelity, robustness, portability and output-quality issues. * MathML (mostly) conforms to MathML Core, with more consistent spacing * More TeX-like dimensions & computation; font metrics used for (approximate) sizing * Improvements to HTML5, ePub, JATS, CSS, frontmatter * Improvements to graphics and SVG * support for \includegraphics alt key * updated schema to SVG 1.1 2nd ed (roughly) * xy now supported, generating SVG * Windows & MacOS related improvements * Support for attributes in foreign namespaces; conversion to data-XXX attributes in html * Default to lang="en" unless told otherwise * title attributes now use UnicodeMath; also --unicodemath math format option * Enhancements to latexml.sty (see the code for details) * Package keywords - breakuntex, nobreakuntex: control linebreaks in tex attribute - dpi=number, magnify=number, upsample=number, zoomout=number: image conversion controls - tokenlimit=number, iflimit=number, absorblimit=number, pushbacklimit=number: limit execution * \LaTeXMLversion, \LaTeXMLrevision, \LaTeXMLfullversion: show the LaTeXML version * \lxRegisterNamespace{prefix}{uri} : register a namespace w/ prefix * \lxAddAnnotation{keyvals} : add annotation attributes to current node * \lxWithAnnotation{keyvals}{thing} : Typeset thing with annotation attributes * New bindings: amsaddr, atveryend, auxhook, babel, bbding, bezier, bigintcalc, bitset, bookmark, doi, ed, expl3, fancyvrb, feynmf, fixme, gettitlestring, ifetex, ifsym, iftex, ijcai, infwarerr, intcalc, kvdefinekeys, kvoptions, kvsetkeys, l3keys2e, ltxcmds, nomencl, overpic, pdftexcmds, refcount, subeqn, subeqnarray, tcolorbox, tikzbricks, upquote, xurl, xy, xypic and beamer.cls * Improvements to bindings: algorithm2e, amsmath, amsthm, babel, csquotes, deluxetable, enumitem, glossaries, hyperref, longtable, lstings, mathtools, physics, revtex, svmult, thmtools. * Tue Jul 12 2022 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Add depndency on perl(UUID::Tiny) - Recommend instead of requiring ImageMagick and texlive * Fri Jun 17 2022 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Remove the _service file - Simplify call to sed * Thu Oct 21 2021 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Update to version 0.8.6: * This release addresses a large variety of usability, fidelity, robustness, portability and output-quality issues. * The Error handling system now produces both a log file (with details) and a brief term-styled output on STDERR. * Even when Fatal errors are encountered, the document "so far" is returned. * Many improvesments were made to mimicing more closely TeX's commands and LaTeX internals, along with more testcases to detect regressions. * Major revision of Alignments (\halign, tabular, etc) to be more TeX-like, with respect to the timing of expansion. * Many Errors and Fatals are now fixed or avoided. The Windows platform is much better supported. * Ouput to HTML, CSS, JATS, TEI have been updated, modernized and validated. tikz/pgf and picture environment output is improved. * new bindings: actuarialangle.sty, adjustbox.sty, diagbox.sty, elsart_support_core.sty, espcrc.sty, fancybox.sty, filehook.sty, hepunits.sty, hypcap.sty, ifplatform.sty, mathabx.sty, minimal.cls, pgfplotstable.sty, prettyref.sty, proof.sty, proofwiki.sty, psfrag.sty, SIunits.sty, slashbox.sty, standalone.cls, standalone.sty, xfrac.sty * Sun Dec 13 2020 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Update to version 0.8.5: * Acknowledging his many contributions to LaTeXML, Deyan Ginev is recognized as a co-developer. * A large variety of robustness, fidelity and portability patches: reduced errors & warnings, more consistent ids, formatting, * Improved TeX fidelity, including l3kernel simulation, while maintaining backwards compatibility (latex2, 2e). * Enhanced declaration & preservation of math semantics, improved tools for parallel markup Enhanced semantics of siunitx, physics * improved support for lists (enumitem), theorems, cleveref, listings, nicefrac, multiple bibliographies, tikz/pgf, multiple bibliographies, JATS, multi-document site generation; including supporting more options. * "Raw" style files now processed by default when in source document's directory * new bindings: aastex63.cls, aipproc.sty, physics.sty, pgfmathcalc.code.tex, pgfutil-common.tex * Experimental features: * math lexemes: exports math as non-semantic tokens for data mining experiments; simplfied format avoid introducing inferred semantics * accessibility annotations * Sun Nov 15 2020 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Add dependency on Pod::Find * Sat Jun 29 2019 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Update to version 0.8.4: * Various fidelity and robustness improvements, along with more test cases * Improved source locators for debugging and other purposes. * More flexible backmatter, allowing multiple bibliographies, indices, etc. * Improvements to math lexer * Support for Chocolatey package manager * More generalized support for lists of (contents, tables, figures, etc) * New bindings: aipcheck.tex, aipproc.cls, bibunits.sty, blindtext.sty, calrsfs.sty, chapterbib.sty, chngcntr.sty, csquotes.def, csquotes.sty, fancyheadings.sty, footnote.sty, mathdots.sty, nopageno.sty, PoS.cls, quantumarticle.cls, remreset.sty, sidecap.sty, subfiles.(cls|sty), tcilatex.tex, thm-restate.sty, twoopt.sty, underscore.sty, undertilde.sty, varioref.sty, varwidth. styvmargin.sty 1de821d0df8c88041ee10820188f33feac77d5618de4c0798a296a425f4e2637------------------------------------------------------------------- * Sun Dec 09 2018 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Add requires for the perl package * Sun Dec 09 2018 Jaime Marquínez Ferrándiz <> - Don't use "/usr/bin/env perl" in shebang
/usr/bin/latexml /usr/bin/latexmlc /usr/bin/latexmlfind /usr/bin/latexmlmath /usr/bin/latexmlpost /usr/share/man/man1/latexml.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/latexmlc.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/latexmlfind.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/latexmlmath.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/latexmlpost.1.gz
Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1
Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 23 00:37:16 2025