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Name: mysql-connector-java | Distribution: openSUSE:Factory:zSystems |
Version: 9.2.0 | Vendor: openSUSE |
Release: 1.1 | Build date: Mon Jan 27 14:48:27 2025 |
Group: Development/Languages/Java | Build host: reproducible |
Size: 2998725 | Source RPM: mysql-connector-java-9.2.0-1.1.src.rpm |
Packager: | |
Url: | |
Summary: Official JDBC Driver for MySQL |
MySQL Connector/J is a native Java driver that converts JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls into the network protocol used by the MySQL database. It lets developers working with the Java programming language easily build programs and applets that interact with MySQL and connect all corporate data, even in a heterogeneous environment. MySQL Connector/J is a Type IV JDBC driver and has a complete JDBC feature set that supports the capabilities of MySQL.
* Mon Jan 27 2025 Gus Kenion <> - Upgrade to Version 9.2.0 - Fix for Bug#116318 (Bug#37152533), useServerPrepStmts useLocalTransactionState cause first execute rollback failure. - Fix for Bug#116955 (Bug#37383012), Tests fail after server changed cipher for xdevapi. - Fix for Bug#63992 (Bug#14598872), getTables did not return a result for table names with a dot in it. - WL#16558, Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools. - Fix for Bug#37125271, RPM depends on java-headless 1:1.8.0 which makes java8 unnessessarily be installed. - Fix for Bug#115586 (Bug#36850047), When upgrading to mysql connetor/j-8.4.0, creating a connection becomes too slow. - Fix for Bug#116630 (Bug#37272802), Tests fail on Windows if test database has upper/mixed case chars. - Fix for Bug#71143 (Bug#17967091), Calling ResultSet.updateRow should not set all field values in UPDATE. - Fix for Bug#103437 (Bug#32807360), Syntax error when calling PreparedStatement.getMetadata() with LIMIT placeholded. - Fix for Bug#96786 (Bug#30280035), Retrieving streaming result set fails when closeOnCompletion is enabled. - Fix for Bug#21983318, QUERYTIMEOUT VALUE RESETTING TO 0 AFTER PREPSTMT.EXECUTEBATCH() EXECUTION. - Fix for Bug#116113 (Bug#37063728), DatabaseMetaData#getTables doesn't work properly for delimited identifiers. * Mon Oct 21 2024 Gus Kenion <> - Upgrade to Version 9.1.0 * Fix for Bug#116114 (Bug#37067812), Connector/J is writing incorrect values when passed negative dates. * Fix for Bug#96623 (Bug#30221117), batch update with rewriteBatchedStatements&useServerPrepStmts send fail request. * Fix for Bug#114705 (Bug#36539680), Contribution: make trustStorePassword be null if this.trustStoreSettings.keyStorePassword is null. * Fix for Bug#84117 (Bug#25247468), includeThreadNamesAsStatementComment ignored when using prepared statement. * Fix for Bug#101054 (Bug#32544786), Batched Query > maxAllowedPacket size causes an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. * Fix for Bug#108415 (Bug#34579258), NullPointerException in AbstractQuery::stopQueryTimer. * Fix for Bug#115265 (Bug#36843227), Second stored procedure call with cacheCallableStmts might fail. * Fix for Bug#36936407, PrepareCall method doesn't work as expected when DB name is involved. * WL#16490, OpenID Connect authentication support. * Fix for Bug#112790 (Bug#35936477), Statement.getGeneratedKeys() returns unexpected value. * Fix for Bug#113509 (Bug#36154975), closeOnCompletion cause no statement reuse and server memory leak. * Fix for Bug#109418 (Bug#36043556), batch insert threw an unexpected exception. * Fix for Bug#114410 (Bug#36434816), Code performance issue. * Fix for Bug#110586 (Bug#35254470), got unexpected result when the data type was set to ZEROFILL. - Includes changes from version 9.0.0 * WL#16391, Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools. * Fix for Bug#114846 (Bug#36574322), Auto-closeable X dev session. * Fix for Bug#114989 (Bug#36612566), Setting null value in setClientInfo throws an NPE. * WL#16376, Set 'caching_sha2_password' as default fallback authentication plugin. * WL#16342, Update MySQL error codes mapping. * WL#16353, Refresh the list of acceptable TLS ciphers. * Fix for Bug#114687 (Bug#36529541), Tests fail after mysql_native_password has been made optional in server. * WL#16319, Remove deprecated insensitive terminology based methods. * WL#16324, Update static MySQL keywords list. * Fix for Bug#110512 (Bug#35223851), Contribution: Replace synchronized with ReentrantLock. * Fix for Bug#108830 (Bug#34721173), LIMIT clause, setMaxRows and cursor combined returns wrong number or rows. - Refactored mysql-connector-java-remove-oci-support.patch for v9.1.0 - Refactored mysql-connector-java-remove-opentelemetry-support.patch for v9.1.0 - Refactored reproducible-build.patch for v9.1.0 * Sun Sep 29 2024 Fridrich Strba <> - Fix build after removal of the default %%{java_home} define * Tue Aug 20 2024 Fridrich Strba <> - Modified patch: * mysql-connector-java-remove-opentelemetry-support.patch + Use NoopTelemetryHandler inconditionally + fixes bsc#1229150 * Mon May 27 2024 Gus Kenion <> - Patch mysql-connector-java-remove-opentelemetry-support.patch removes OpenTelemetry support, which was added upstream - Refresh the following patches for updated codebase: * javac-check.patch * reproducible-build.patch * mysql-connector-java-remove-oci-support.patch - Update to 8.4.0 * WL#16174, Support for VECTOR data type. * Fix for Bug#36380711, Tests failing due to removal of deprecated features. * Fix for Bug#113600 (Bug#36171575), Contribution: Fix join condition for retrieval of imported primary keys. Thanks to Henning Pöttker for his contribution. * WL#16196, GPL License Exception Update. * Fix for Bug#111031 (Bug#35392222), Contribution: Update Thanks to Abby Palmero for her contribution. * Fix for Bug#113599 (Bug#36171571), Contribution: Replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder in ValueEncoders. Thanks to Henning Pöttker for his contribution. * Fix for Bug#91550 (Bug#28297874), DatabaseMetaData specifies incorrect extra name characters. * Fix for Bug#113129 (Bug#36043145), setting the FetchSize on a Statement object does not affect. * Fix for Bug#22931632, GETPARAMETERBINDINGS() ON A PS RETURNS NPE WHEN NOT ALL PARAMETERS ARE BOUND. * WL#16147, Remove support for FIDO authentication. * Fix for Bug#110286 (Bug#35152855), Only call Messages.getString(...) when it's needed (when the SQLException is thrown). Thanks to Janick Reynders for his contribution. * Fix for Bug#23143279, CLIENT HANG WHEN LOADBALANCESTRATEGY IS BESTRESPONSETIME. - Includes changes from 8.3.0 * Fix for Bug#107107 (Bug#34101635), Redundant "Reset stmt" when setting useServerPrepStmts&cachePrepStmts to true. Thanks to Marcos Albe for his contribution. * Fix for Bug#19845752, COMMENT PARSING IS NOT PROPER IN CONNECTOR JDBC. * Fix for Bug#112884 (Bug#36043166), Setting a large timeout leads to errors when executing SQL. * WL#16077, Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools. * WL#16074, Upgrade Protocol Buffers dependency to protobuf*java-3.25.1. * Fix for Bug#35929119, Issue with mysql-connector-j 8.0.33 connector (XDEVAPI) - getsession is slow. * Fix for Bug#111107 (Bug#36023972), CallableStatement::getParameterMetaData reports incorrect parameterCount. * Fix for Bug#109546 (Bug#34958912), executeUpdate throws SQLException on queries that are only comments. * Fix for Bug#112195 (Bug#35749998), getWarnings() of StatementImpl contains all warnings. * Fix for Bug#111360 (Bug#35488208), Unexpected list of permitted ciphers. * Fix for Bug#96582 (Bug#30222032), jdbc.MysqlParameterMetadata#isNullable doesnt check whether to be simple. * Fix for Bug#95796 (Bug#29907618), Parameter metadata inferred incorrectly when procedure or function doesn't exist. * Fix for Bug#73774 (Bug#19531305), Can't execute a stored procedure if exists function with same name. * Wed Feb 21 2024 Fridrich Strba <> - Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN. * Mon Nov 13 2023 David Anes <> - Update to 8.2.0: - Added the missing implementation for Connection.releaseSavepoint(). (Bug #35811592) - Connector/J now supports WebAuthn Authentication. See Connecting Using Web Authentication (WebAuthn) Authentication for details. (WL #15197) - The auto-deserialization function for BLOB objects, deprecated since release 8.1.0, is now removed. (WL #15747) - The SessionStateChanges objects failed to provide proper values for section state changes. This was because Connector/J parsed the OK_Packet incorrectly, and this patch fixes the issue. (Bug #35358417) - Using javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet#getDate() or javax.sql.rowset.CachedRowSet#getTimestamp() on DATETIME fields resulted in a ClassCastException. It was because the default return type of DATETIME fields by ResultSet.getObject() was java.time.LocalDateTime instead of java.sql.Timestamp. To prevent the exception, a new connection property, treatMysqlDatetimeAsTimestamp, now allows the return type of DATETIME by ResultSet.getObject() to be changed to java.sql.Timestamp. (Bug #107215, Bug #34139593) - Obtaining a connection from a MysqlConnectionPoolDataSource made Connector/J reset its connection state unless the connection property paranoid was set to be true. During the reset, the autocommit mode of the session was restored to the default value specified on the server by the system variable autocommit, while the JDBC specification mandates that autocommit be always enabled for a freshly created connection. With this patch, the connection reset will always enable autocommit in the situation. (Bug #91351, Bug #28225464) * Tue Sep 26 2023 Fridrich Strba <> - Added patch: * reproducible-build.patch + keep PropertyDefinitions sorted to achieve reproducible order of getters/setters in generated class files * Mon Sep 25 2023 Fridrich Strba <> - Avoid producing dupplicate maven data * Thu Sep 07 2023 David Anes <> - Update to 8.1.0: - WL#15826, Deprecate autoDeserialize feature. - Fix for Bug#95039 (Bug#35534640), KeyManagementException: FIPS mode: only SunJSSE TrustManagers may be used. - Fix for Bug#110321 (Bug#35167701), Issue in JDBC PreparedStatement on adding NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES in sql_mode. * Tue Jun 06 2023 Fridrich Strba <> - Wrap the reload4j/log4j dependencies in conditions, so that the package can be built on SLE12. * Tue Apr 25 2023 David Anes <> - Security fix: - [CVE-2023-21971, bsc#1211247] Fix for unauthorized ability to cause a hang or frequently repeatable crash (complete DOS) - Update to 8.0.33: - Fix for Bug#34558945, PS using setCharacterStream() fails with "Incorrect string value" if the Java program encoding is not UTF-8 after 8.0.29. - Fix for Bug#109013 (Bug#34772608), useServerPrepStmts and useLocalTransactionState could cause rollback failure. - Fix for bug Bug#108643 (Bug#34652568), Commit statement not effect when two params turns on. - Fix for Bug#34918989, Pluggable classes are initialized even when they cannot be used by Connector/J. - Fix for Bug#93415 (Bug#28992710), Documentation for getDefaultSchema() Needs Improvements. - Fix for Bug#110168 (Bug#35110706), yum update fails upgrading Connector/J package. - Fix for Bug#35018216, Problems with Connector/J RPM's: jar names renamed. - Fix for Bug#107577 (Bug#34325361), rewriteBatchedStatements not work when table column name contains 'value' string. - Fix for Bug#109377 (Bug#34900156), rewriteBatchedStatements doesn't work when parenthesis are found in values. - Fix for Bug#109808 (Bug#35021038), DatabaseMetaData#getPrimaryKeys should ordered by COLUMN_NAME. - Fix for Bug#109864 (Bug#35034666), Connector/J 8.0.32 hangs on MySQL 5.5 with prepared statements. - Fix for Bug#109807 (Bug#35021014), DatabaseMetaData#getTypeInfo should ordered by DATA_TYPE. - Fix for Bug#77368 (Bug#21321849), "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" doesn't work properly with relative paths. - Fix for Bug#109243 (Bug#34852047), Judge whether the returned result set of the sql statement is incorrect. - WL#15490, Support OCI ephemeral key based authentication. * Fri Jan 27 2023 David Anes <> - Ship protobuf 3.9.2 compatible generated files to support older distro versions. - Added file mysql-connector-java-generated-for-protobuf-3.9.2.tar.xz * Thu Jan 26 2023 David Anes <> - Update to 8.0.32: - MysqlDataSource fails to URL encode database name when constructing JDBC URL. - serverSideStatementCache ignores resultSetType. - UpdatableResultSet does not properly handle unsigned primary key. - Connector/J 8 query with explain can not return ResultRow. - Add support to row alias on INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on batch mode. - connectionCollation ignored if characterEncoding is set. - Connector/J rejects UNION with CTE. - Malformed packet generation for `COM_STMT_EXECUTE`. - Connector/J client hangs after prepare & execute process with old version server. - Contribution: Fix name of relocation POM file. - Contribution: [PATCH] Remove superfluous use of boxing. - Contribution: Recognize "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE" in "INSERT SET" Statement. - RPM and DEB builds broken after introducing javadoc for maven bundles. - Sonatype compliant POM and maven bundles. - Upgrade 3rd party libraries and tools. - Upgrade Protocol Buffers dependency to protobuf-java-3.21.9. * Thu Dec 08 2022 David Anes <> - Rebased javac-check.patch to new build.xml. - Changed ant target from "dist" to "build", as it's been renamed. - As Oracle renamed the package to "mysql-connector-j", we are "providing" both names for now, but the package has to be renamed to accommodate the change because the old name will be deprecated at some point in the future without further notice. - Update to 8.0.31: Functionality Added or Changed * Important Change: To comply with proper naming guidelines, the Maven groupId and artifactId for Connector/J have been changed to the following starting with this release: groupId: com.mysql artifactId: mysql-connector-j * The old groupId and artifactId can still be used for linking the Connector/J library, but they will point to a Maven relocation POM, redirecting users to the new coordinates. Please switch to the new coordinates as soon as possible, as the old coordinates could be discontinued anytime without notice. See Installing Connector/J Using Maven. * Also, to go with these changes, the .jar library for Connector/J has been renamed to mysql-connector-j-x.y.z for all channels of distribution by Oracle, not just the Maven repository. * Before release 8.0.29, Connector/J always interpolated byte arrays as hexadecimal literals when obtaining a prepared statement's string representation by the toString() method. Since 8.0.29, all byte array values were displayed as * * BYTE ARRAY DATA ** when converted to strings. The same is also true for null values. * To allow different ways to display byte array data and null values, a new connection property, maxByteArrayAsHex, has been introduced: byte arrays shorter than the value of maxByteArrayAsHex are now shown as hexadecimal literals like before release 8.0.29. Any byte arrays longer than this value are interpolated generically as ** BYTE ARRAY DATA **. Bugs Fixed * X DevAPI: When parsing a string into a JSON string, some escape character sequences were not parsed properly, causing the Server to throw a com.mysql.cj.exceptions.WrongArgumentException when receiving the JSON value. This fix ensures that escape sequences are handled properly. * X DevAPI: When using the modify() method on JSON documents, any backslashes inside a literal to be used for the modification were lost. This fix corrects the mistakes in the expression parser that caused the issue. * Executing a PreparedStatment after applying setFetchSize(0) on it caused an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. * Due to some old limitations, when used with Java applets, Connector/J found out the default character set on a system by various workarounds like reading the system property file.encoding, using an OutpuStreamWriter, etc. With this fix, Connector/J now uses Charset.defaultCharset(), the standard method for the purpose. * Mon Aug 01 2022 David Anes <> - Update to 8.0.30: Functionality Added or Changed * X DevAPI: For document-modifying methods that are chained after modify() and take a document path expression as one of its arguments (that is, set(), unset(), arrayInsert(), arrayAppend()), Connector/J now throws an error when the document path is empty or is a null string. Bugs Fixed * Historically, MySQL Server has used utf8 as an alias for utf8mb3. Since release 8.0.29, utf8mb3 has become a recognized (though deprecated) character set on its own for MySQL Server and to make things consistent, in release 8.0.30, any collations prefixed with utf8_ are now prefixed with utf8mb3_ instead. To go with that change, Connector/J has updated its character set and collation mapping accordingly in this release, and users are encouraged to update to Connector/J 8.0.30 to avoid potential issues when working with MySQL Server 8.0.30 or later. * A few links in the file in the distribution packages were broken. They have now been fixed or removed. * The description for the connection property rewriteBatchedStatements has been corrected, removing the limitation that server-sided prepared statements could not take advantage of the rewrite option. * A spelling error has been fixed in the source file for the PropertyDefinitions class. Thanks to Weijie Wu for contributing the fix. * DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo always returned false for AUTO_INCREMENT for all data types. With this fix, Connector/J returns the correct value for each data type. Also, the missing types DOUBLE UNSIGNED and DOUBLE PRECISION UNSIGNED have been added to the ResultSet. * Contrary to the the MySQL requirement for comments, Connector/J did not require a whitespace (or a control character such as a newline) after "--" to mark the beginning of a comment within a SQL statement. This fix aligns Connector/J with the MySQL requirement. * Thu Apr 28 2022 David Anes <> - Update to 8.0.29: Functionality added or changed: * Historically, MySQL has used utf8 as an alias for utf8mb3. Since release 8.0.29, utf8mb3 has become a recognized (though deprecated) character set on its own for MySQL Server. Therefore, Connector/J has added utf8mb3 to its character set mapping, and users are encouraged to update to Connector/J 8.0.29 to avoid potential issues when working with MySQL Server 8.0.29 or later. (Bug #33850155) * A new connection property socksProxyRemoteDns has been added, which, when set to true, makes the SocksProxySocketFactory execute its own connect() implementation that passes the unresolved InetSocketAddress of a MySQL Server host to the created proxy socket, instead of having the address resolved locally. (Bug #77924, Bug #25710160) * The code for prepared statements has been refactored to make the code simpler and the logic for binding more consistent between ServerPreparedStatement and ClientPreparedStatement. * Connector/J now supports Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Authentication. See Connecting Using Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Authentication for details. Bugs fixed: * X DevAPI: If the connection property xdevapi.ssl-mode was set to DISABLED (or xdevapi.ssl-mode was not set, but the value was picked up from the sslMode setting), specifying some of the security properties caused Connector/J to throw an error. With this fix, even when encryption is turned off and irrelevant security properties are set, Connector/J does not throw an error. * DatabaseMetaData.getDefaultTransactionIsolation() returned a wrong value. It now returns the correct value of Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ. (Bug #33723611) * Statement executions failed for replication connections when useCursorFetch was true and defaultFetchSize was greater than 0. (Bug #25701740) * Prepared statements were parsed incorrectly sometimes when they contained comments marked by /* and */. (Bug #21978230) * A connection did not maintain the correct autocommit state when it was used in a pool with useLocalSessionState=true. (Bug #106435, Bug #33850099) * References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #33054827. * A spelling error in the error message for the buffer length being less than the expected payload length has been corrected. Thanks to Jianjian Song for contributing the fix. (Bug #106397, Bug #33893591) * When using client-side prepared statements, if the VALUES clause came after the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause or it came at the end of the statement, a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException was thrown. This patch refactors the query parser to fix the problem behind the issue, and also to improve the parser's performance. (Bug #106240, Bug #33781440) * An unnecessary boxing has been removed from findColumn() in the ResultSetImpl class. Thanks to Pei Pei Ning for contributing this improvement. (Bug #106171, Bug #33757217) * When decoding decimals, the constructor used for creating the BigDecimal object has been changed from BigDecimal(String) to BigDecimal(char[]) in order to save memory. Thanks to Chen Yi for contributing to this improvement. (Bug #106065, Bug #33726184) * When inserting BigDecimal values into a database using rewritable server-side prepared statements with cursor-based fetching, the values suffered precision loss. (Bug #105915, Bug #33678490) * When the Connector/J logger level was at TRACE, a null bind value for a PreparedStatement resulted in a NullPointerException when the logger tried to read the value. This patch added a null check to avoid the exception to be thrown under the situation. (Bug #104349, Bug #33563548) * When the connection property rewriteBatchedStatements was set to true, inserting a BLOB using a prepared statement and executeBatch() resulted in a NullPointerException. (Bug #85317, Bug #25672958) * ResultSetMetaData and DatabaseMetaData returned Types.DATE for a YEAR table column even when yearIsDateType=false. With this fix, Types.SMALLINT was returned correctly in the situation. (Bug #82084, Bug #23743938) * A PreparedStatement could not be rewritten for batch insert if any table column involved contained "select" as a substring in the column name. (Bug #81468, Bug #23312764) * When using server-side prepared statements and the connection property profileSQL was set to true, setting a parameter of type LONGTEXT using a StringReader() resulted in a j (Bug #62006, Bug #16714956) * Data truncation occurred for INOUT type parameters of data type BIT(1) for stored procedures. (Bug #38954, Bug #11749415) * Fri Feb 25 2022 David Anes <> - Build now from GitHub official repo: * Updated source package to build from gihub official repository. * Remove utility which is not needed anymore. - Add patch to temporarily remove OCI IAM support while it's packaged: * Add mysql-connector-java-remove-oci-support.patch - Update to 8.0.28 (CVE-2021-2471, bsc#1195557, jsc#PM-3307): Changes in 8.0.28: * Fix for Bug#99260 (31189960), statement.setQueryTimeout,creates a database connection and does not close. * Fix for Bug#103324 (32770013), X DevAPI Collection.replaceOne() missing matching _id check. * Fix for Bug#105197 (33461744), Statement.executeQuery() may return non-navigable ResultSet. * Fix for Bug#105323 (33507321), contains broken links. * Fix for Bug#96900 (30355150), STATEMENT.CANCEL()CREATE A DATABASE CONNECTION BUT DOES NOT CLOSE THE CONNECTION. * Fix for Bug#104067 (33054827), No reset autoCommit after unknown issue occurs. * Fix for Bug#85223 (25656020), MYSQLSQLXML SETSTRING CRASH. * Fix for Bug#84365 (33425867), INSERT..VALUE with VALUES function lead to a StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. * Fix for Bug#105211 (33468860), class java.time.LocalDate cannot be cast to class java.sql.Date. * Fix for Bug#101389 (32089018), GETWARNINGS SHOULD CHECK WARNING COUNT BEFORE SENDING SHOW. * Fix for Bug#33488091, Remove all references to xdevapi.useAsyncProtocol from properties and code. * WL#14805, Remove support for TLS 1.0 and 1.1. * WL#14650, Support for MFA (multi factor authentication) authentication. Changesd in 8.0.27 * Fix for Bug#103612 (32902019), Incorrectly identified WITH...SELECT as unsafe for read-only connections. * Fix for Bug#71929 (18346501), Prefixing query with double comments cancels query DML validation. * Fix for Bug#23204652, CURSOR POSITIONING API'S DOESNOT CHECK THE VALIDITY OF RESULTSET. * Fix for Bug#28725534, MULTI HOST CONNECTION WOULD BLOCK IN CONNECTION POOLING. * Fix for Bug#95139 (29807572), CACHESERVERCONFIGURATION APPEARS TO THWART CHARSET DETECTION. * Fix for Bug#104641 (33237255), DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys can return duplicated foreign keys. * Fix for Bug#33185116, Have method ResultSet.getBoolean() supporting conversion of 'T' and 'F' in a VARCHAR to True/False (boolean). * Fix for Bug#31117686, PROTOCOL ALLOWLIST NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IBM JAVA. * Fix for Bug#104559 (33232419), ResultSet.getObject(i, java.util.Date.class) throws NPE when the value is null. * WL#14707, Support OCI IAM authentication. * WL#14660, Testsuite with support for single MySQL server instance. * Fix for Bug#103878 (32954449), CONNECTOR/J 8 : QUERY WITH 'SHOW XXX' WILL GET EXCEPTION WHEN USE CURSOR. * Fix for Bug#103796 (32922715), CONNECTOR/J 8 STMT SETQUERYTIMEOUT CAN NOT WORK. * Fix for Bug#104170 (33064455), CONTRIBUTION: CLIENTPREPAREDSTMT: LEAVE CALENDAR UNTOUCHED. * Fix for Bug#95564 (29894324), createDatabaseIfNotExist is not working for databases with hyphen in name. Changes in 8.0.26 * Fix for Bug#32954396, EXECUTEQUERY HANGS WITH USECURSORFETCH=TRUE & SETFETCHSIZE. * Fix for Bug#102372 (32459408), v8.0.23 unusable in OSGi. * Fix for Bug#25554464, CONNECT FAILS WITH NPE WHEN THE SERVER STARTED WITH CUSTOM COLLATION. * Fix for Bug#100606 (31818423), UNECESARY CALL TO "SET NAMES 'UTF8' COLLATE 'UTF8_GENERAL_CI'". * Fix for Bug#102404 (32435618), CONTRIBUTION: ADD TRACK SESSION STATE CHANGE. * Fix for Bug#95280 (29757140), DATABASEMETADATA.GETIMPORTEDKEYS RETURNS DOUBLE THE ROWS. * Fix for Bug#97269 (30438500), POSSIBLE BUG IN COM.MYSQL.CJ.XDEVAPI.STREAMINGDOCRESULTBUILDER. * Fix for Bug#103303 (32766143), JAVA.LANG.CLASSCASTEXCEPTION WHEN INSERTING BLOB WITH SERVER PREPARED STATEMENT. * WL#14205, Support query attributes. * WL#14411, Support for authentication_kerberos_client authentication plugin. * WL#14559, Deprecate TLS 1.0 and 1.1. * WL#14391, Migrate QA tests to main repo. * Tue Feb 22 2022 Fridrich Strba <> - Do not build against the log4j12 packages, use the new reload4j
/usr/share/doc/packages/mysql-connector-java /usr/share/doc/packages/mysql-connector-java/CHANGES /usr/share/doc/packages/mysql-connector-java/README /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-j.jar /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar /usr/share/licenses/mysql-connector-java /usr/share/licenses/mysql-connector-java/LICENSE /usr/share/maven-metadata/mysql-connector-java.xml /usr/share/maven-poms/JPP-mysql-connector-j.pom
Generated by rpm2html 1.8.1
Fabrice Bellet, Sun Mar 23 00:37:16 2025