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apache-sshd-2.14.0-1.3 RPM for noarch

From OpenSuSE Tumbleweed for noarch

Name: apache-sshd Distribution: openSUSE Tumbleweed
Version: 2.14.0 Vendor: openSUSE
Release: 1.3 Build date: Thu Oct 17 09:53:50 2024
Group: Development/Libraries/Java Build host: reproducible
Size: 4397578 Source RPM: apache-sshd-2.14.0-1.3.src.rpm
Summary: Apache SSHD
Apache SSHD is a 100% pure java library to support the SSH protocols on both
the client and server side.




Apache-2.0 AND ISC


* Thu Oct 17 2024 Anton Shvetz <>
  - Updated to upstrem version 2.14.0
  - Changes in version 2.14.0
    * Bug Fixes
      + GH-524 Performance improvements
      + GH-533 Fix multi-step authentication
      + GH-582 Fix filtering in NamedFactory
      + GH-587 Prevent NullPointerExceptionon closed channel in
      + GH-590 Better support for FIPS
      + GH-597 Pass on Charset in
    * New Features
      + New utility methods SftpClient.put(Path localFile, String
      remoteFileName) and SftpClient.put(InputStream in, String
      remoteFileName) facilitate SFTP file uploading.
    * GH-590 Better support for FIPS
      Besides fixing a bug with bc-fips (the RandomGenerator class
      exists in normal Bouncy Castle, but not in the FIPS version,
      but Apache MINA sshd referenced it even if only bc-fips was
      present), support was improved for running in an environment
      restricted by FIPS.
      There is a new system property If set to true, a number
      of crypto-algorithms not approved by FIPS 140 are disabled:
      + key exchange methods sntrup761x25519-sha512,, curve25519-sha256,, curve448-sha512.
      + the chacha20-poly1305 cipher.
      + the bcrypt KDF used in encrypted private key files in
      OpenSSH format.
      + all ed25519 keys and signatures.
      Additionally, the new "SunJCEWrapper" SecurityProviderRegistrar
      (see below) and the EdDSASecurityProviderRegistrar are
      disabled, and the BouncyCastleScurityProviderRegistrar looks
      only for the "BCFIPS" security provider, not for the normal
      "BC" provider.
      If the system property is not set to true, FIPS mode can be
      enabled programmatically by calling SecurityUtils.setFipsMode()
      before any other call to Apache MINA sshd.
    * Potential compatibility issues
      + New security provider registrar
      There is a new SecurityProviderRegistrar that is registered
      by default if there is a SunJCE security provider. It uses
      the AES and HmacSHA* implementations from SunJCE even if
      Bouncy Castle is also registered. SunJCE has native
      implementations, whereas Bouncy Castle may not.
      The new registrar has the name "SunJCEWrapper" and can be
      configured like any other registrar. It can be disabled via
      the system property
      It is also disabled in FIPS mode (see above).
      + GH-582 Fix filtering in NamedFactory
      The methods NamedFactory.setupBuiltinFactories(boolean
      ignoreUnsupported, ...) and
      ignoreUnsupported, ...) had a bug that gave the
      "ignoreUnsupported" parameter actually the meaning of
      "include unsupported".
      This was fixed in this release, but existing code calling
      these or one of the following methods:
      ~ BaseBuilder.setUpDefaultMacs(boolean ignoreUnsupported)
      ~ BaseBuilder.setUpDefaultCiphers(boolean ignoreUnsupported)
      ~ ClientBuilder.setUpDefaultCompressionFactories(boolean
      ~ ClientBuilder.setUpDefaultKeyExchanges(boolean
      ~ ClientBuilder.setUpDefaultSignatureFactories(boolean
      ~ ServerBuilder.setUpDefaultCompressionFactories(boolean
      ~ ServerBuilder.setUpDefaultKeyExchanges(boolean
      ~ ServerBuilder.setUpDefaultSignatureFactories(boolean
      ~ any of the methods starting with
      ~ SshClientConfigFileReader.configure(...)
      ~ SshServerConfigFileReader.configure(...)
      should be reviewed:
      ~ if the method is called with parameter value true, the
      result will no longer include unsupported algorithms.
      Formerly it wrongly did.
      ~ if the method is called with parameter value false, the
      result may include unsupported algorithms. Formerly it
      did not.
      So if existing code used parameter value false to ensure it
      never got unsupported algorithms, change it to true.
    * Major Code Re-factoring
      + JDK requirements
      ~ GH-536 The project now requires JDK 17 at build time, while
      the target runtime still remains unchanged to support JDK
  - Changes in version 2.13.2
    * What's Changed
      + GH-525: Fix sntrup761x25519-sha512 by @tomaswolf in #528
  - Changes in version 2.13.1
    * What's changed
      + This release does not contain any code changes. It is solely
      to rectify the issue that the 2.13.0 release encountered
      during the release process, where the source jars were not
  - Changes in version 2.13.0
    * What's changed
      + GH-318: Handle cascaded proxy jumps by @tomaswolf in #512
      + GH-427: Read initial ACK on channel open prior to direct
      stream upload & close streams prior to exit code handling by
      @TerraNibble in #464
      + GH-455: ensure BaseCipher.update() fulfills the contract by
      @tomaswolf in #463
      + GH-470: Synchronize not thread safe… by
      @zakharovsergey1000 in #467
      + GH-476: Fix Android detection false negative by @wh0
      + GH-475: Switch uses of JSch library to the
      com.github.mwiede:jsch fork by @Alex-Vol-Amz
      + GH-472: change client start condition in sshd-spring-sftp by
      + GH-489: sftp readdir: determine file type from longname by
      @tomaswolf in #491
      + GH-486: Add missing U2F {ed25519,ecdsa}-sk public key
      equality methods by @lf-
      + SSHD-1237 Handle keep-alive channel requests by @tomaswolf in
      + GH-494: Nio2Session improvements by @evgeny-pasynkov
      + GH-468: Handle excess data in SFTP read requests by
      @tomaswolf in #495
      + GH-498: Implement the ""
      KEX method by @tomaswolf
      + GH-500: SftpFileSystemProvider: close SftpClient on exception
      by @tomaswolf in #501
      + GH-504: Pass reason to sessionNegotiationEnd by @duco-lw in
      + GH-461: Fix heartbeats with wantReply=true by @tomaswolf in
      + GH-493: Fix arcfour128 and arcfour256 ciphers (regression in
      + GH-509: SFTP v[456] client: validate attribute flags
      + GH-510: Fix class name in BuiltinIoServiceFactoryFactories
      (regression in 2.6.0)
    * New Features
      + Key Exchange
      The key exchange method is
      now available if the Bouncy Castle library is available.
      This uses a post-quantum key encapsulation method (KEM) to
      make key exchange future-proof against quantum attacks.
      More information can be found in IETF Memo Secure Shell (SSH)
      Key Exchange Method Using Hybrid Streamlined NTRU Prime
      sntrup761 and X25519 with SHA-512: sntrup761x25519-sha512.
      + Behavioral changes and enhancements
      ~ GH-318 Handle cascaded proxy jumps
      Proxy jumps can be configured via host configuration
      entries in two ways. First, proxies can be chained directly
      by specifiying several proxies in one ProxyJump directive:
      Host target
      User some_user
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/some_id
      ProxyJump jumphost2, jumphost1
      Host jumphost1
      User jumphost1_user
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_jumphost1
      Host jumphost2
      User jumphost2_user
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_jumphost2
      Connecting to server target will first connect to
      jumphost1, then tunnel through to jumphost2, and finally
      tunnel to target. So the full connection will be
      Such proxy jump chains were already supported in Apache
      MINA SSHD.
      Newly, Apache MINA SSHD also supports cascading proxy
      jumps, so a configuration like
      Host target
      User some_user
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/some_id
      ProxyJump jumphost2
      Host jumphost1
      User jumphost1_user
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_jumphost1
      Host jumphost2
      ProxyJump jumphost1
      User jumphost2_user
      IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_jumphost2
      also works now, and produces the same connection
      It is possible to mis-configure such proxy jump cascades to
      have loops. (For instance, if host jumphost1 in the above
      example had a ProxyJump jumphost2 directive.) To catch such
      misconfigurations, Apache MINA SSHD imposes an upper limit
      on the total number of proxy jumps in a connection. An
      exception is thrown if there are more than
      CoreModuleProperties.MAX_PROXY_JUMPS proxy jumps in a
      connection. The default value of this property is 10. Most
      real uses of proxy jumps will have one or maybe two proxy
      jumps only.
      ~ GH-461 Fix heartbeats with wantReply=true
      The client-side heartbeat mechanism has been updated. Such
      heartbeats are configured via the
      CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL property. If this
      interval is > 0, heartbeats are sent to the server.
      Previously these heartbeats could also be configured with a
      CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_REPLY_WAIT timeout. If the
      timeout was <= 0, the client would just send heartbeat
      requests without expecting any answers. If the timeout was
      > 0, the client would send requests with a flag indicating
      that the server should reply. The client would then wait
      for the specified duration for the reply and would
      terminate the connection if none was received.
      This mechanism could cause trouble if the timeout was
      fairly long and the server was slow to respond. A timeout
      longer than the interval could also delay subsequent
      The CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_REPLY_WAIT property is
      now deprecated.
      There is a new configuration property
      CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_NO_REPLY_MAX instead. It
      defines a limit for the number of heartbeats sent without
      receiving a reply before a session is terminated. If the
      value is <= 0, the client still sends heartbeats without
      expecting any reply. If the value is > 0, the client will
      request a reply from the server for each heartbeat message,
      and it will terminate the connection if the number of
      unanswered heartbeats reaches
      This new way to configure heartbeats aligns with the
      OpenSSH configuration options ServerAliveInterval and
      For compatibility with older configurations that explicitly
      define CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_REPLY_WAIT, the new
      code maps this to the new configuration (but only if
      CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL > 0 and the new
      property CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_NO_REPLY_MAX has
      not been set) by setting
      CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_NO_REPLY_MAX to
      = CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_REPLY_WAIT <= 0:
      CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_NO_REPLY_MAX = 0
      = otherwise: (CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_REPLY_WAIT /
      CoreModuleProperties.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) + 1.
      ~ GH-468 SFTP: validate length of data received: must not be
      more than requested
      SFTP read operations now check the amount of data they get
      back. If it's more than requested an exception is thrown.
      SFTP servers must never return more data than the client
      requested, but it appears that there are some that do so.
      If property SftpModuleProperties.TOLERATE_EXCESS_DATA is
      set to true, a warning is logged and such excess data is
      silently discarded.
    * Potential compatibility issues
      + AES-CBC ciphers removed from server's defaults
      The AES-CBC ciphers aes128-cbc, aes192-cbc, and aes256-cbc
      have been removed from the default list of cipher algorithms
      that a server proposes in the key exchange. OpenSSH has
      removed these cipher algorithms from the server proposal in
      2014, and has removed them from the client proposal in 2017.
      The cipher implementations still exist but they are not
      enabled by default. Existing code that explicitly sets the
      cipher factories is unaffected. Code that relies on the
      default settings will newly create a server that does not
      support the CBC-mode ciphers. To enable the CBC-mode ciphers,
      one can use for instance
      SshServer server = ServerBuilder.builder()
      For the SSH client, the CBC ciphers are still enabled by
      default to facilitate connecting to legacy servers. We plan
      to remove the CBC ciphers from the client's defaults in the
      next release.
  - Changes in version 2.12.1
    * Bug Fixes
      + GH-458 Singleton thread pool for kex message handler flushing
      + SSHD-1338 Restore binary compatibility with 2.9.2
    * What's Changed
      + Fix link by @swiedenfeld in #454
      + SSHD-1338 Restore binary compatibility with 2.9.2 by @gnodet
      in #456
      + Use a singleton threadpool for kex message handler flushing
      by @FliegenKLATSCH in #459
  - Enable module: sshd-openpgp
* Thu Oct 17 2024 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Add an "extras" flavour to build without cycles all modules we
  - Build also a standalone apache-sshd application
  - Removed patch:
    * 0001-Avoid-optional-dependency-on-native-tomcat-APR-libra.patch
      + use tomcat-jni instead and build the module
  - Added patches:
    * file-name-mapping.patch
      + Do not add version to the assembled artifacts
    * password-no-echo.patch
      + Do not echo on the console the password
* Tue Feb 20 2024 Dominique Leuenberger <>
  - Use %patch -P N instead of deprecated %patchN.
* Fri Jan 19 2024 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Updated to upstream version 2.12.0
  - Changes in version 2.11.0
    * Bug Fixes
      + GH-328 Added configurable timeout(s) to DefaultSftpClient
      + GH-370 Also compare file keys in ModifiableFileWatcher.
      + GH-371 Fix channel pool in SftpFileSystem.
      + GH-383 Use correct default OpenOptions in
      + GH-384 Use correct lock modes for SFTP FileChannel.lock().
      + GH-388 ScpClient: support issuing commands to a server that
      uses a non-UTF-8 locale.
      + GH-398 SftpInputStreamAsync: fix reporting EOF on zero-length
      + GH-403 Work-around a bug in WS_FTP <= 12.9 SFTP clients.
      + GH-407 (Regression in 2.10.0) SFTP performance fix: override
      FilterOutputStream.write(byte[], int, int).
      + GH-410 Fix a race condition to ensure SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF is
      always sent before SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE.
      + GH-414 Fix error handling while flushing queued packets at end
      of KEX.
      + GH-420 Fix wrong log level on closing an Nio2Session.
      + SSHD-789 Fix detection of Android O/S from system properties.
      + SSHD-1259 Consider all applicable host keys from the
      known_hosts files.
      + SSHD-1310 SftpFileSystem: do not close user session.
      + SSHD-1327 ChannelAsyncOutputStream: remove write future when
      + SSHD-1332 (Regression in 2.10.0) Resolve ~ in IdentityFile
      file names in HostConfigEntry.
    * New Features
      + SSHD-1330 Use KeepAliveHandler global request instance in
      client as well
      + GH-356 Publish snapshot maven artifacts to the Apache
      Snapshots maven repository.
      + Bundle sshd-contrib has support classes for the HAProxy
      protocol V2.
  - Changes in version 2.12.0
    * Bug Fixes
      + GH-428/GH-392 SCP client fails silently when error signalled
      due to missing file or lacking permissions
      + GH-434 Ignore unknown key types from agent or in OpenSSH host
      keys extension
    * New Features
      + GH-429 Support GIT protocol-v2
      + GH-445 OpenSSH "strict key exchange" protocol extension
      (CVE-2023-48795, bsc#1218189 mitigation)
  - Modified patch:
    * apache-sshd-javadoc.patch
      + rediff to changed context and drop integrated hunks
* Wed Oct 11 2023 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Upgrade to upstrem version 2.10.0
    * Bug
      + SSHD-1295: Connection attempt not canceled when a connection
      timeout occurs
      + SSHD-1316: Possible OOM in ChannelPipedInputStream
      + SSHD-1319: SftpRemotePathChannel.transferFrom(...) ignores
      position argument
      + SSHD-1324: Rooted file system can leak informations
      + SSHD-1326: Failed to establish an SSH connection because the
      server identifier exceeds the int range
    * Improvement
      + SSHD-1315: Password in clear in SSHD server's logs
  - Modified patch:
    * 0001-Avoid-optional-dependency-on-native-tomcat-APR-libra.patch
      + rediff to changed context
* Fri Feb 10 2023 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Clean-up the spec a bit
* Wed Nov 16 2022 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Upgrade to version 2.9.2 (bsc#1205463, CVE-2022-45047)
  - Changes in version 2.8.0
    * Bug
      + Wrong server key algorithm choose
      + Expiration of OpenSshCertificates needs to compare timestamps
      as unsigned long
      + SFTP Get downloads empty file from servers which supports EOF
      indication after data
      + skip() doesn't work properly in SftpInputStreamAsync
      + OpenMode and CopyMode is not honored as expected in
      version > 4 of SFTP api
      + SftpTransferTest sometimes hangs (failure during rekeying)
      + Race condition in KEX
      + Fix the ciphers supported documentation
      + Update tarLongFileMode to use POSIX
      + WinsCP transfer failure to Apache SSHD Server
      + Pubkey auth: keys from ssh-agent are used even if
      HostConfigEntry.isIdentitiesOnly() is true
      + Support RSA SHA2 signatures via SSH agent
      + NOTICE: wrong copyright year range
      + Wrong creationTime in writeAttrs for SFTP
      + sshd-netty logs all traffic on INFO level
    * New Feature
      + Add support for
      + Parsing of ~/.ssh/config Host patterns fails with extra
      + Support generating OpenSSH client certificates
    * Improvement
      + Add support for key exchange
      + OpenSSH certificates: check certificate type
      + OpenSSHCertificatesTest: certificates expire in 2030
      + Display IdleTimeOut in more user-friendly format
      + sendChunkIfRemoteWindowIsSmallerThanPacketSize flag in
      ChannelAsyncOutputStream constructor configurable from
      outside using variable/config file
      + Intercepting the server exception message from server in SSHD
      + Implement RFC 8332 server-sig-algs on the server
      + Slow performance listing huge number of files on Apache SSHD
      + SFTP: too many LSTAT calls
      + Support key constraints when adding a key to an SSH agent
      + Add SFTP server side file custom attributes hook
    * Task
      + Make sure the project is built using a <release>1.8</release>
    * Question
      + UserInteraction Problem
  - Changes of vesion 2.9.0
    * Bug
      + Deadlock on disconnection at the end of key-exchange
      + Remote port forwarding mode does not handle EOF properly
      + Public key authentication: wrong signature algorithm used
      (ed25519 key with ssh-rsa signature)
      + Client fails window adjust above Integer.MAX_VALUE
      + class loader fails to load
      + Shell is not getting closed if the command has already closed
      the OutputStream it is using.
      + Sometimes async write listener is not called
      + Unhandled SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST leeds to
      + different host key algorithm used on rekey than used for the
      initial connection
      + OpenSSH certificate is not properly encoded when critical
      options are included
      + TCP/IP remote port forwarding with wildcard IP addresses
      doesn't work with OpenSSH
      + UserAuthPublicKey: uses ssh-rsa signatures for RSA keys from
      an agent
    * New Feature
      + Add support for Argon2 encrypted PUTTY key files
      + Add support for merged inverted output and error streams of
      remote process
    * Improvement
      + Add support for "" SFTP extension
      + Support host-based pubkey authentication in the client
      + Send environment variable and open subsystem at the same time
      for SSH session
  - Changes of version 2.9.1
    * Bug
      + ClientSession.auth().verify() is terminated with timeout
      + 2.9.0 release broken on Java 8
      + Infinite loop in
      + Deadlock during session exit
      + Race condition is logged in ChannelAsyncOutputStream
  - Changes of version 2.9.2
    * Bug
      + SFTP worker threads got stuck while processing PUT methods
      against one specific SFTP server
      + Use the maximum packet size of the communication partner
      + ExplicitPortForwardingTracker does not unbind auto-allocated
      + Default SshClient FD leak because Selector not closed
      + Reading again from exhausted ChannelExec#getInvertedOut()
      throws IOException instead of returning -1
      + Keeping error streams and input streams separate after
      ChannelExec#setRedirectErrorStream(true) is called
      + Nio2Session.shutdownOutput() should wait for writes in
    * Test
      + Research intermittent failure in unit tests using various I/O
      service factories
  - Modified patch:
    * 0001-Avoid-optional-dependency-on-native-tomcat-APR-libra.patch
      + rediff to changed context
  - Removed patches:
    * 0002-Fix-manifest-generation.patch
      + not needed any more in this version
    * apache-sshd-2.7.0-java8.patch
      + not needed since the Java 8 compatibility is handled by the
    - -release option
  - Added patch:
    * apache-sshd-javadoc.patch
      + Fix different warnings in javadoc generation
* Fri Jul 30 2021 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Upgrade to version 2.7.0
  - Changes in version 2.5.0
    * Major code re-factoring
      + Reception of an SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED response to a
      SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST is translated internally into same code
      flow as if an SSH_MSH_REQUEST_FAILURE has been received - see
      + Server SFTP subsystem internal code dealing with the local
      files has been delegated to the SftpFileSystemAccessor in
      order to allow easier hooking into the SFTP subsystem.
    - Resolving a local file path for an SFTP remote one
    - Reading/Writing a file's attribute(s)
    - Creating files links
    - Copying / Renaming / Deleting files
      + SftpVersionSelector is now consulted when client sends initial
      command (as well as when session is re-negotiated)
      + ScpCommandFactory is also a ShellFactory that can be used to
      provide a minimalistic shell that is good enough for WinSCP.
      + Rework SFTP streams so that the client asks and receives as
      much data as possible - see SSHD-979.
    * Minor code helpers
      + Handling of debug/ignore/unimplemented messages has been split
      into handleXXX and doInvokeXXXMsgHandler methods where the
      former validate the messages and deal with the idle timeout,
      and the latter execute the actual invcation.
      + Added overloaded methods that accept a java.time.Duration
      specifier for timeout value.
      + The argument representing the SFTP subsystem in invocations to
      SftpFileSystemAccessor has been enhanced to expose as much of
      the available functionality as possible.
    * Behavioral changes and enhancements
      + SSHD-964 - Send SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF when tunnel channel being
      + SSHD-967 - Extra bytes written when
      SftpRemotePathChannel#transferTo is used.
      + SSHD-968 - Interpret SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED response to a
      heartbeat request as a liveness indicator
      + SSHD-970 - transferTo function of SftpRemotePathChannel will
      loop if count parameter is greater than file size
      + SSHD-972 - Add support for peers using OpenSSH "security key"
      key types
      + SSHD-977 - Apply consistent logging policy to caught
      + SSHD-660 - Added support for server-side signed certificate
      + SSHD-984 - Utility method to export KeyPair in OpenSSH format
      + SSHD-992 - Provide more hooks into the SFTP server subsystem
      via SftpFileSystemAccessor
      + SSHD-997 - Fixed OpenSSH private key decoders for RSA and
      + SSHD-998 - Take into account SFTP version preference when
      establishing initial channel
      + SSHD-989 - Read correctly ECDSA key pair from PKCS8 encoded
      + SSHD-1009 - Provide a minimalistic shell for supporting WinSCP
      SCP mode.
  - Changes in version 2.5.1
    * Behavioral changes and enhancements
      + SSHD-1022 NPE in SftpOutputStreamAsync#flush() if no data
      written in between.
  - Changes in version 2.6.0
    * Major code re-factoring
      + SshServerMain uses by default an ECDSA key instead of an RSA
      one. This can be overridden either by -key-type / -key-size or
    - key-file command line option.
      + SSHD-1034 Rename org.apache.sshd.common.ForwardingFilter to
      + SSHD-1035 Move property definitions to common locations.
      + SSHD-1038 Refactor packages from a module into a cleaner
      + SSHD-1080 Rework the PacketWriter to split according to the
      various semantics
      + SSHD-1084 Revert the usage of asynchronous streams when
      forwarding ports.
    * Minor code helpers
      + SSHD-1004 Using a more constant time MAC validation to
      minimize timing side channel information leak.
      + SSHD-1030 Added a NoneFileSystemFactory implementation
      + SSHD-1042 Added more callbacks to SftpEventListener
      + SSHD-1040 Make server key available after KEX completed.
      + SSHD-1060 Do not store logger level in fields.
      + SSHD-1064 Fixed ClientSession#executeRemoteCommand handling
      of STDERR in case of exception to behave according to its
      + SSHD-1076 Break down ClientUserAuthService#auth method into
      several to allow for flexible override
      + SSHD-1077 Added command line option to request specific SFTP
      version in SftpCommandMain
      + SSHD-1079 Experimental async mode on the local port forwarder
      + SSHD-1086 Added SFTP aware directory scanning helper classes
      + SSHD-1089 Added wrappers for one-time single session usage of
      SFTP/SCP clients
      + Propagate SCP file transfer ACK data to ScpTransferListener
      before validating it.
    * Behavioral changes and enhancements
      + SSHD-506 Added support for AES-GCM ciphers.
      + SSHD-954 Improve validation of DH public key values.
      + SSHD-1004 Deprecate DES, RC4 and Blowfish ciphers from default
      + SSHD-1004 Deprecate SHA-1 based key exchanges and signatures
      from default setup.
      + SSHD-1004 Deprecate MD5-based and truncated HMAC algorithms
      from default setup.
      + SSHD-1005 Added support for SCP remote-to-remote file transfer
      + SSHD-1020 SSH connections getting closed abruptly with timeout
      + SSHD-1026 Improve build reproductibility.
      + SSHD-1028 Fix SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: Too many concurrent
      + SSHD-1032 Fix possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
      + SSHD-1033 Fix simultaneous usage of dynamic and local port
      + SSHD-1039 Fix support for some basic options in ssh/sshd cli.
      + SSHD-1047 Support for SSH jumps.
      + SSHD-1048 Wrap instead of rethrow IOException in Future.
      + SSHD-1050 Fixed race condition in AuthFuture if exception
      caught before authentication started.
      + SSHD-1053 Fixed handling of certified keys authentication.
      + SSHD-1056 Added support for SCP remote-to-remote directory
      transfer - including '-3' option of SCP command CLI.
      + SSHD-1057 Added capability to select a ShellFactory based on
      the current session + use it for "WinSCP"
      + SSHD-1058 Improve exception logging strategy.
      + SSHD-1059 Do not send heartbeat if KEX state not DONE
      + SSHD-1063 Fixed known-hosts file server key verifier matching
      of same host with different ports
      + SSHD-1066 Allow multiple binding to local port tunnel on
      different addresses
      + SSHD-1070 OutOfMemoryError when use async port forwarding
      + SSHD-1100 Updated used moduli for DH group KEX
      + SSHD-1102 Provide filter support for SftpDirectoryStream
      + SSHD-1104 Take into account possible key type aliases when
      using public key authentication
      + SSHD-1107 Allow configuration of minimum DH group exchange key
      size via property or programmatically
      + SSHD-1108 Increased minimum default DH group exchange key size
      to 2048 (but support 1024)
  - Changes in version 2.7.0
    * Major code re-factoring
      + SSHD-1133 Re-factored locations and names of ServerSession and
      server-side ChannelSession related classes
      + Moved some helper methods and classes to more natural
    * Minor code helpers
      + SSHD-525 Added support for "" SFTP
      + SSHD-1083 Relaxed required Nio2Connector/Acceptor required
      constructor arguments
      + SSHD-1085 Added CliLogger + more verbosity on SshClientMain
      + SSHD-1109 Route tests JUL logging via SLF4JBridgeHandler
      + SSHD-1109 Provide full slf4j logger capabilities to CliLogger
      and use it in all CLI classes
      + SSHD-1110 Replace Class#newInstance() calls with
      + SSHD-1111 Fixed SshClientCliSupport compression option
      + SSHD-1116 Provide SessionContext argument to
      + SSHD-1116 Provide SessionContext argument to
      + SSHD-1116 Provide SessionContext argument to
      + SSHD-1125 Added option to require immediate close of channel
      in command ExitCallback invocation
      + SSHD-1127 Consolidated SftpSubsystem support implementations
      into SftpSubsystemConfigurator
      + SSHD-1148 Generate a unique thread name for each SftpSubsystem
    * Behavioral changes and enhancements
      + SSHD-1085 Added more notifications related to channel state
      change for detecting channel closing or closed earlier.
      + SSHD-1091 Renamed sshd-contrib top-level package in order to
      align naming convention.
      + SSHD-1097 Added more SessionListener callbacks related to the
      initial version and key exchange
      + SSHD-1097 Added more capability to send peer identification
      via ReservedSessionMessagesHandler
      + SSHD-1097 Implemented endless tarpit example in sshd-contrib
      + SSHD-1109 Replace log4j with logback as the slf4j logger
      implementation for tests
      + SSHD-1114 Added callbacks for client-side password
      authentication progress
      + SSHD-1114 Added callbacks for client-side public key
      authentication progress
      + SSHD-1114 Added callbacks for client-side host-based
      authentication progress
      + SSHD-1114 Added capability for interactive password
      authentication participation via UserInteraction
      + SSHD-1114 Added capability for interactive key based
      authentication participation via UserInteraction
      + SSHD-1123 Add option to chunk data in ChannelAsyncOutputStream
      if window size is smaller than packet size
      + SSHD-1125 Added mechanism to throttle pending write requests
      in BufferedIoOutputStream
      + SSHD-1127 Added capability to register a custom receiver for
      SFTP STDERR channel raw or stream data
      + SSHD-1132 Added SFTP client-side support for
      'filename-charset' extension
      + SSHD-1132 Added SFTP client-side support for
      'filename-translation-control' extension
      + SSHD-1132 Added SFTP servder-side support for non-UTF8
      encoding of returned file names
      + SSHD-1133 Added capability to specify a custom charset for
      parsing incoming commands to the ScpShell
      + SSHD-1133 Added capability to specify a custom charset for
      returning environment variables related data from the ScpShell
      + SSHD-1133 Added capability to specify a custom charset for
      handling the SCP protocol textual commands and responses
      + SSHD-1136 Use configuration property to decide whether to
      allow fallback to DH group exchange using SHA-1 if no suitable
      primes found for SHA-256
      + SSHD-1137 Added capability to override LinkOption(s) when
      accessing a file/folder via SFTP
      + SSHD-1147 SftpInputStreamAsync: get file size before SSH_FXP_OPEN
  - Modified patches:
    * 0001-Avoid-optional-dependency-on-native-tomcat-APR-libra.patch
    * apache-sshd-2.4.0-java8.patch -> apache-sshd-2.7.0-java8.patch
      + rediff to changed context
  - Added patch:
    * 0002-Fix-manifest-generation.patch
      + do not import self
* Thu Jul 16 2020 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Added patch:
    * apache-sshd-2.4.0-java8.patch
      + restore Java 8 compatibility of bytecode generated by Java 9+
* Mon Jun 29 2020 Fridrich Strba <>
  - Initial packaging of apache-sshd 2.4.0



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Fabrice Bellet, Sat Mar 22 23:22:24 2025